dotCover 2017.1 Help

Coverage Results Browser window

In Visual Studio:
ReSharper | Windows | Coverage Results Browser
Ctrl+Alt+K B

In dotCover standalone application:
Ctrl+Alt+K B

This window allows exploring coverage snapshots obtained during an application coverage run or opened from a file. You can browse multiple snapshots in several tabs.

Each snapshot can be presented in two views, which you can toggle with the buttons in the right of the toolbar:

Coverage Tree

In this view, all code items are grouped in a tree structure and you can study the coverage of each code item.

Coverage Tree view in the Coverage Results Browser

In the Coverage column, dotCover uses three colors to display the coverage status:

  • Green - the percentage of covered statements within the node.
  • Red - the percentage of uncovered statements within the node.
  • Grey - the nodes not covered during the test run as they do not have executable code statements.

Hot Spots

In this view, you can quickly see the potential risk areas within the snapshot. To learn more, see Detecting Hot Spots.

Hot Spots view in the Coverage Results Browser

Toolbar Controls

Total Coverage Shows total code coverage, in percents, of all assemblies included in the coverage snapshot.
/help/img/dotnet/2017.1/ThemedIcon.JetBrainsDotCoverPresentationVsResourcesSolutionBasedCoverageTreeMatch.Screen.[Gray].png Match coverage results with current project structure If this button is turned on, dotCover displays only assemblies that are included in the current solution. For more information, see Matching Coverage Snapshot with Project Structure.
/help/img/dotnet/2017.1/ThemedIcon.Highlighting.Screen.[Gray].png Highlight code Toggles highlighting of the code in the editor for the current coverage snapshot. For more information, see Visualizing Code Coverage.
/help/img/dotnet/2017.1/ThemedIcon.JetBrainsDotCoverPresentationResourcesSnapshotManagementSave.Screen.[Gray].png Save coverage snapshot as Saves the current snapshot to a .dcvr file. For more information, see Saving and Opening Coverage Snapshot.
/help/img/dotnet/2017.1/icon_export.png Export coverage reports Allows you to export the test coverage report to one of the selected formats: HTML, XML, JSON, and XML for NDepend . For more information, see Exporting Coverage Results
/help/img/dotnet/2017.1/ThemedIcon.JetBrainsDotCoverPresentationResourcesCoverageTreeToolBarCoverageTree.Screen.[Gray].png Coverage Tree Toggles the Coverage Tree view.
/help/img/dotnet/2017.1/dotCover_hot_spots_icon.png Hot Spots Toggles the Hot Spots view. For more information, see Detecting Hot Spots.
Group by Allows grouping items in the window by different categories.

The context menu in this window includes two commands:

  • Exclude selected nodes
  • Exclude all nodes except selected
  • Exclude selected node and create coverage filter
These commands are rather self-explanatory; they allow excluding nodes from coverage snapshot presentation.

Last modified: 24 August 2017

See Also