IntelliJ IDEA 2016.2 Help

Browsing Changes

Browsing changes feature helps you see all changes during the history cache period, or confined to a certain period, user, or changelist.

All changes for the history cache period are displayed in the Repository tab of the Version Control tool window, Changelists pane.

To browse all changes in the history cache

  1. In the Version Control tool window, switch to the Repository tab.
  2. Click the refresh button img on the toolbar, or choose Refresh on the context menu.

To browse changes to files or folders

  1. Select the desired file or folder in the Project window.
  2. On the Version Control menu or on the context menu of the selection, choose <VCS> | Browse Changes. The Change Search Criteria dialog box is opened.
  3. Specify the search criteria (type the necessary filter value or press the ellipsis button to set the value for Author, Date, and Change filters) and click OK.

    If you do not specify any filtering criteria, you will be prompted either to show recent changes only, or view all history of the entire project.

    Setting too wide filter values for a large project might require considerable time for the changes to be found.


See Also

Last modified: 23 November 2016