IntelliJ IDEA 2017.1 Help

Code Style. Java

File | Settings | Editor | Code Style | Java for Windows and Linux
IntelliJ IDEA | Preferences | Editor | Code Style | Java for macOS

Use this page to configure formatting options for Java files. View the result in the Preview pane on the right.

On this page:

Tabs and Indents

Use tab character
  • If this check box is selected, tab characters are used:
    • On pressing the Tab key
    • For indentation
    • For code reformatting
  • When the check box is cleared, IntelliJ IDEA uses spaces instead of tabs.
Smart tabs
  • If this check box is selected, the part of indentation defined by the nesting of code blocks, is made of the tabs and (if necessary) spaces, while the part of indentation defined by the alignment is made only of spaces.
  • If this check box is cleared, only tabs are used. This means that a group of spaces that fits the specified tab size is automatically replaced with a tab, which may result in breaking fine alignment.

The Smart Tabs check box is available if the Use Tab Character check box is selected.

Tab sizeIn this text box, specify the number of spaces included in a tab.
IndentIn this text box, specify the number of spaces (or tabs if the Use Tab Character check box is selected) to be inserted for each indent level.
Keep indents on empty linesIf this check box is selected, then IntelliJ IDEA will keep indents on the empty lines as if they contained some code.
If this check box is not selected, IntelliJ IDEA will delete the tab characters and spaces.
Label indentIn this text box, specify the number of spaces (or tabs if the Use Tab Character check box is selected) to be inserted at the next line before a label statement.
Absolute label indentIf this check box is selected, label indentation is counted as an absolute number of spaces. Otherwise, label indentation is counted relative to previous indent levels.
Do not indent top level class membersSelect this check box to have top level class members located at the class declaration indentation level.
Use indents relative to expression startUse this check box to switch between the two possible indentation behaviors:
  • If this check box is not selected, the blocks of code will be formatted against the closest ancestor block that starts on a new line.
  • If this check box is selected, the blocks of code will be formatted in columns.


Use this tab to specify where you want spaces in your code. To have IntelliJ IDEA automatically insert a space at a location, select the check box next to this location in the list. The results are displayed in the Preview pane.

Wrapping and braces

In this tab, customize the code style options, which IntelliJ IDEA will apply on reformatting the source code. The left-hand pane contains the list of exceptions (Keep when reformatting), and placement and alignment options for the various code constructs (lists, statements, operations, annotations, etc.) The right-hand pane shows preview.

Alignment takes precedence over indentation options.

Right Margin (columns)

Use Right Margin field to specify a margin space required on the right side of an element. If you select Default option then a value of the right margin from the global settings is used.

Wrap on typing

Use Wrap on typing settings to specify how the edited text is fitted in the specified Right margin. You can select one the following options:

  • Default - in this case IntelliJ IDEA uses the Wrap on typing option that is specified in the global settings.
  • Yes - in this case IntelliJ IDEA uses the value specified in the Right Margin field.
  • No - in this case this option is switched off and a line can exceed the value specified in the right margin.

Keep when reformatting

Use the check boxes to configure exceptions that IntelliJ IDEA will make when reformatting the source code. For example, by default, the Line breaks check box is selected. If your code contains lines that are shorter than a standard convention, you can convert them by disabling the Line breaks check box before you reformat the source code.

Wrapping options

The wrapping style applies to the various code constructs, specified in the left-hand pane (for example, method call arguments, or assignment statements).

Wrapping styleFrom this drop-down list, select the desired wrapping style:
  • Do not wrap - when this option is selected, no special wrapping style is applied.

    With this option selected, the nested alignment and braces settings are ignored.

  • Wrap if long - select this option to have lines going beyond the right margin wrapped with proper indentation.
  • Wrap always - select this option to have all elements in lists wrapped so that there is one element per line with proper indentation.
  • Chop down if long - select this option to have elements in lists that go beyond the right margin wrapped so that there is one element per line with proper indentation.

Alignment options

Align when multilineIf this check box is selected, a code construct starts at the same column on each next line. Otherwise, the position of a code construct is determined by the current indentation level.
<character(s)> on next lineSelect this check box to have the specified character or characters moved to the next line when the lines are wrapped.
'else' on new lineUse this check box to have the corresponding statements or characters moved to the next line.
New line after <character> Select this check box to have the code after the specified character moved to a new line.
Special else if treatmentIf this check box is selected, else if statements are located in the same line.

Otherwise, else if statements are moved to the next line to the corresponding indent level.

Indent case branches If this check box is selected, the case statement is located at the corresponding indent level. Otherwise, case statement is placed at the same indent level with switch.

Braces placement options

Braces placement style Use this drop-down list to specify the position of the opening brace in class declarations, method declarations, and other types of declarations. The available options are:
  • End of line - select this option to have the opening brace placed at the declaration line end.
  • Next line if wrapped - select this option to have the opening brace placed at the beginning of the line after the multiline declaration line.
  • Next line - select this option to have the opening brace placed at the beginning of the line after the declaration line.
  • Next line shifted - select this option to have the opening brace placed at the line after the declaration line being shifted to the corresponding indent level.
  • Next line each shifted - select this option to have the opening brace placed at the line after the declaration line being shifted to the corresponding indent level, and have the next line shifted to the next indent level as well.
Force bracesFrom this drop-down list, choose the braces introduction method for if, for, while, and do () while statements. The available options are:
  • Do not force - select this option to suppress introducing braces automatically.
  • When multiline - select this option to have braces introduced automatically, if a statement occupies more than one line. Note that IntelliJ IDEA analyzes the number of lines in the entire statement but not only its condition.
  • Always - select this check box to have braces always introduced automatically.

Blank lines

Use this tab to define where and how many blank lines you want IntelliJ IDEA to retain and insert in your code after reformatting. For each type of location, specify the number of blank lines to be inserted. The results are displayed in the Preview pane.

Keep Maximum Blank LinesIn this area, specify the number of blank lines to be kept after reformatting in the specified locations.
Minimum Blank LinesIn the text boxes in this area, specify the number of blank lines to be present in the specified locations.


AlignmentIn this area, define how JavaDoc comments should be aligned.
  • Align parameter description: select this check box to have parameter descriptions aligned against the longest parameter name. Otherwise, the description is separated from the corresponding parameter name by a single space.
  • Align thrown exception description: select this check box to have thrown exception descriptions aligned against the longest exception name. Otherwise, the description is separated from the exception name by a single space.
Blank Lines In this area, define where blank lines should be inserted in JavaDoc comments.
  • After description: select this check box to have a blank line automatically inserted after the description section of a JavaDoc comment.
  • After parameter descriptions: select this check box to have a blank line inserted after the group of @param tags.
  • After return tag: select this check box to have a blank line inserted after the @return tag.
Invalid TagsIn this area, define whether invalid tags should be preserved or not.
  • Keep invalid tags: select this check box to have the @invalidTag preserved.
  • Keep empty @param tags: select this check box to have @param tags without description preserved.
  • Keep empty @return tags: select this check box to have @return tags without description preserved.
  • Keep empty @throws tags: select this check box to have @throws tags without description preserved.
OtherIn this area, specify additional formatting options for JavaDoc comments.
  • Enable leading asterisks: select this check box to have each line of a JavaDoc comment start with an asterisk.
  • Use @throws rather than @exception: select this check box to have the @throws tag used.
  • Wrap at right margin: select this check box to have the text that exceeds the right margin wrapped to the next line.
  • Generate </p> on empty lines: select this check box to have a </p> tag automatically inserted in an empty line.
  • Keep empty lines: select this check box to have manually added empty lines preserved.
  • Do not wrap one-line comment: select this check box to have short comments kept in one line with the opening and closing tags.
  • Preserve line feed: If this check box is not selected (by default), line feeds are not preserved on reformatting. This is convenient when comments should be formatted within the boundaries of a paragraph, to occupy minimum space.

    If this check box is selected, line feeds will be preserved.

  • Parameter description on new line: select this check box to instruct the IntelliJ IDEA formatter to place the description of a JavaDoc parameter (if any) to a new line. It uses indent based on the continuation indent value.


This tab lets you define a set of rules that rearranges your code according to your preferences.

Grouping RulesUse this area to set the grouping rules.
  • Keep getters and setters together

    Select this check box to keep getter and setter methods together. By default, this check box is selected.

  • Keep overridden methods together

    Select this check box to group the overridden methods together by class and interface. In order: list, select keep or by name options.

  • Keep dependent methods together

    Select this check box to group the dependent methods together. In order: list, select depth-first or breadth-first options.

Matching rulesUse this area to define elements order as a list of rules, where every rule has a set of matches such as modifier or type.
  • /help/img/idea/2017.1/new.png - use this button to add a rule. The empty rule dialog window opens.
  • /help/img/idea/2017.1/section_rule.png - use this button to add a section rule. The section rule lets you move methods or variables into sections that you have defined.
    For example, you can create the following section rule:

    After the arrangement, methods in the class will be rearranged as specified in the created section rule and will be surrounded by comments:
    //methods start public void test() {} private int a() { return 1; } static void r() {} //methods end
  • /help/img/idea/2017.1/delete.png - use this button to remove the rule from the list.
  • /help/img/idea/2017.1/edit1.png - use this button to edit an existing rule. To see this button, navigate to the rule that you want to edit and click on the button. In pop-up window that opens, modify the rule fields.
  • /help/img/idea/2017.1/arrowUp.png /help/img/idea/2017.1/arrowDown.png - use these buttons to move the selected rule up or down.
  • /help/img/idea/2017.1/cogwheel_blue_no_arrow.png - use this button to configure an alias for the matching rule. In this case, when you create an arrangement rule you can define a custom rule (alias) that would include a sequence of different rules and apply the alias to your current rule.
Empty ruleUse this window to create a new matching rule or edit an existing one. You can select from the following filters:
  • Type - use this filter to choose classes or methods for your rule.
    Note that clicking twice on the type keyword will negate the condition.
  • Modifier - use this filter to select the types of modifiers for the rule.
    Note that clicking twice on the modifier keyword will negate the condition.
  • Name - use this field to specify entry names in the rule. This filter matches only entry names such as field names, method names, class names and etc. The filter supports regular expressions and uses a standard syntax. The match is performed against the entire name.
  • Order - use this drop-down list to select the sorting order for the rule. This option is useful when more than one element uses the same matching rule. In this case, selecting Keep order will keep the same order as was set before the rearrangement and selecting Order by Name will sort the elements with the same matching rule by their names.
  • Aliases - this option displays aliases that were defined in the Rules Alias Definition dialog. You can remove the ones you do not need.
/help/img/idea/2017.1/icon_sort.png This icon appears when you select Order by Name in Order option. The icon indicates that the items in this rule are alphabetized.


This table lists actions to be performed when imports are optimized.

GeneralIn this area, configure general import options.


  • Use single class import: Select this check box to have IntelliJ IDEA import only a particular class from a package during code generation or import optimization. Otherwise, a statement importing an entire package is inserted.
  • Use fully qualified class names: Select this check box to have IntelliJ IDEA use the fully qualified name of the class to be imported during code generation or import optimization. Otherwise, a normal import statement is inserted.
  • Insert imports for inner classes: Select this check box to have IntelliJ IDEA create imports for the inner classes referenced in your code.
  • Use fully qualified names in Javadoc: Select this check box to have IntelliJ IDEA use a fully qualified class name in Javadoc. Otherwise, a class is imported.
  • Class count to use import with '*': In this text field, specify the number of classes to be imported from a single package until all statements importing a single class are substituted with a statement importing an entire package.
  • Names count to use static import with '*': In this text box, specify the number of members to be imported from a single class until all statements importing a single member are substituted with a statement importing an entire class.
JSP Imports LayoutIn this area, configure how JSP import statements should be organized in your code. The introduced changes are displayed in the Preview pane below.


  • Prefer comma separated import list: Select this option to import statements organized in a comma separated list.
  • Prefer one import statement per page directive: Select this option to have one import statement created per line.
Packages to Use Import with '*'In this area, configure a list of packages and classes to be always imported completely.


  • Static: Select this check box, if you want to declare static import for the selected class.
  • Package: In the text fields of this column, specify the packages and classes to be always imported completely.
  • With Subpackages: Select this check box to have all the subpackages of the selected package imported completely.
  • Add Package: Click this button to add a new entry to the list of packages and classes.
  • Add Blank: Click this button to add an empty separator to the list of packages and classes.
  • Remove: Click this button to delete the selected package or class from the list.
Import Layout In this area, configure how import statements should be organized in your code. You can set up certain classes to be positioned first, or last, or one after another. Imported classes will be grouped as per their packages and sorted alphabetically within a package.


  • Layout static imports separately: If this check box is selected, all static imports will be kept in a separate section. Otherwise, all import statements will be sorted according to the specified layout rules.
  • Static: Select this check box, if you want to declare static import for the selected package.
  • Package: In the text fields of this column, specify the packages to be imported.
  • With Subpackages: Select this check box to have IntelliJ IDEA apply the layout rules to all the subpackages of the selected package.
  • Add Package: Click this button to add a new entry to the list of packages.
  • Add Blank: Click this button to have a blank line inserted after the selected entry, which indicates that a blank line should be inserted between the corresponding import statements.
  • Move Up / Move Down: Click these buttons to move a package or a blank line up or down in the list thus defining the order of import statements.
  • Remove: Click this button to delete the selected package from the list.

Code Generation

  • Prefer longer names: select this check box to have the longest name highlighted in a lookup list for code completion. Otherwise, the shortest name is highlighted.
  • Name prefix / suffix: in these text boxes, type the prefixes and suffixes to be used when generating suggestions for naming new symbols through the IntelliJ IDEA code-generation features.

    If the fields are left blank, then the default name suggestions without prefixes or suffixes will be used. When you add a prefix value, IntelliJ IDEA automatically converts the first letter of the suggested base name to upper case.

    For example, if the prefix for a static field is defined as s, and the type of the field is Counter, then the suggested static field name will be sCounter.

    Note that this prefix will not take part in the generation of the getter and setter method names. So, in our example, the accessor names will be getCounter and setCounter respectively.

    Specify the name prefixes and suffixes for fields, static fields, parameters, and local variables.

Final Modifier Options:
  • Make generated local variables final - select this check box to have local variables in the IntelliJ IDEA-generated code supplied with final modifiers.
  • Make generated parameters final - select this check box to have parameters in the IntelliJ IDEA-generated code supplied with final modifiers.
Comment Code Options:
Order of Members Specify the necessary order:
  • Order of Members - the list defines the order in which code elements appear when IntelliJ IDEA inserts them by itself (for instance, in case of Intention Actions).
  • Move Up/Move Down - Use these buttons to change the order of members on the list and thus re-define the order in which corresponding elements appear in the generated code.
Other Controls Select the necessary options:
  • Use External Annotations - if this check box is selected, IntelliJ IDEA will prompt to specify whether you want an annotation to be stored in the source code or externally. Otherwise, if the check box is cleared, annotations are added to the source code by default.
  • Insert @Override Annotation - Select this check box to have IntelliJ IDEA insert @Override annotations automatically.

Java EE Names

Use this tab to specify prefixes and suffixes for the names of bean classes, bean interfaces, <ejb-name> tags, servlets, filters, and listeners. These prefixes and suffixes will by default appear in the corresponding fields of the New Bean, New Servlet, New Filter, and New Listener dialog boxes. For entity beans, you can also specify the default primary key class that appears in the Create CMP Field dialog box.

Entity BeanUse the text boxes in this area to specify prefixes and/or suffixes to be used in the names of Entity Bean components:
  • EJB Class: default suffix Bean.
  • Home Interface: default suffix Home.
  • Remote Interface
  • Local Home Interface: default prefix Local, default suffix Home.
  • Local Interface: default prefix Local.
  • <ejb-name> tag: default suffix EJB.
  • Transfer Object: default suffix VO.
  • Default PK Class: java.lang.String.
Session Bean Use the text boxes in this area to specify prefixes and/or suffixes to be used in the names of Session Bean components:
  • EJB Class: default suffix Bean.
  • Home Interface: default suffix Home.
  • Remote Interface
  • Local Home Interface: default prefix Local, default suffix Home.
  • Local Interface: default prefix Local.
  • Service Endpoint Interface: default suffix Service.
  • <ejb-name> tag: default suffix EJB.
Message Driven Bean Use the text boxes in this area to specify prefixes and/or suffixes to be used in the names of Message Driven Bean components:
  • EJB Class: default suffix Bean.
  • <ejb-name> tag: default suffix EJB.
ServletUse the text boxes in this area to specify prefixes and/or suffixes to be used in the names of Servlets:
  • Servlet Class
  • <servlet-name> tag
FilterUse the text boxes in this area to specify prefixes and/or suffixes to be used in the names of Filters:
  • Filter Class
  • <filter-name> tag
ListenerIn this area, specify the prefix and suffix to be used in the names of listener classes.

See Also

Last modified: 18 July 2017