IntelliJ IDEA 2017.1 Help

Scala Compiler

File | Settings | Build, Execution, Deployment | Compiler | Scala Compiler for Windows and Linux
IntelliJ IDEA | Preferences | Build, Execution, Deployment | Compiler | Scala Compiler for macOS

Use this page to configure Scala compiler-specific settings.

Incrementality typeUse this drop-down menu to select the incrementality type for the compiling process. You either can select SBT compiler for your project or IDEA compiler. The incrementality type is set for the whole project excluding profiles.
/help/img/idea/2017.1/new.pngClick this button to create a new profile.
/help/img/idea/2017.1/delete.pngClick this button to delete the selected profile from the list of existing profiles. All modules, associated with this profile, will be automatically moved to the default profile.
/help/img/idea/2017.1/compareNextFile.pngClick this button to associate a module with a profile. This button only becomes available, when a module in the list of modules under a certain profile gets the focus.
Compiler orderUse this area to select one of the following compiler options:

Note that for more information on what compiler option to choose, see compiling sources for Java/Scala.

  • Mixed
    This is a default option. When it is selected, both Java and Scala sources are passed to Scalac and then the Java sources are compiled with Javac.
  • Scalac(.*scala, + *java), then Javac(*.java)
    When you select this button the Scalac compiler first compiles .scala classes and analyzes .java classes. Then the Javac compiler is invoked and .java classes are compiled.
  • Javac(*.java), then Scalac(*.scala)
    When you select this button the Javac compiler is invoked before the Scalac compiler.
FeaturesUse this area to configure feature settings.
OptionsUse this area to configure options for the Scala compiler.
Compiler pluginsUse this area to add new or delete existing compiler plugins for the Scalac compiler. A compiler plugin lets you modify the behavior of the compiler itself without needing to change the main Scala distribution. For more information, see Scala compiler plugins page.

See Also

Last modified: 18 July 2017