ReSharper 2018.2 Help

ReSharper by Language: C++

C++ support is available either with ReSharper C++ — a dedicated product that you can install separately or side by side with ReSharper, or with ReSharper Ultimate. C++ support includes C, C++03, C++/CLI and partially C++11, C++14, C++17, C++20. ATL, MFC and COM projects are supported. ReSharper detects C++ version automatically based on the platform toolset (General | Platform Toolset in the project properties) and/or on the /std switch.

Also in this section:

Unsupported and partly supported language constructs

Unsupported C++11 features:

Unsupported extensions:

  • C++/CX

Unsupported MS C++ extensions:

Partially supported MS C++ extensions:

Unsupported MS preprocessor extensions:

Disabling ReSharper's code analysis engine with the __RESHARPER__ macro

If some C++ construct is not supported by ReSharper's code analysis engine or parsed incorrectly, you can disable ReSharper for this code with the __RESHARPER__ macro, i.e:

#ifndef __RESHARPER__ // This code will not be visible to ReSharper #endif

Making ReSharper ignore specific code

ReSharper allows you to ignore specific files, folders and file masks in different ways. You can configure ignored files on the following options pages:

Last modified: 21 December 2018

See Also