ReSharper 2019.1 Help

ReSharper by Language: JavaScript

ReSharper fully supports JavaScript up to ECMAScript 2016, including experimental features such as async/await, exponentiation operator and rest/spread in object literals/destructuring. jQuery and JSX syntax are supported as well.

By default, code inspection and other ReSharper features analyze JavaScript code according to the ECMAScript 5 standard, which is supported universally. If you use more advanced JavaScript code in your project, you can change the target ECMAScript level on the Code Editing | JavaScript | Inspections page of ReSharper options.

Descriptions of ReSharper features for JavaScript are grouped in the following topics:

Making ReSharper ignore specific code

ReSharper allows you to ignore specific files, folders and file masks in different ways. You can configure ignored files on the following options pages:

Last modified: 1 August 2019

See Also