ReSharper 2019.3 Help

Test Runner

ReSharper| Options | Tools | Unit Testing | Test Runner

Shadow-copy assemblies being tested

When this option is enabled, assemblies that participate in tests are copied to a temporary directory. This allows you to edit and rebuild test assemblies even while the related tests are running. You can choose between two options of shadow-copying:

  • Native — enables shadow-copying mechanism of the test framework, which normally only copies assemblies.

  • Advanced — this mechanism copies all files and subdirectories from the directories where the assemblies are compiled.

Run tests in AppDomain

This option applies to and NUnit tests and lets the test runner start each test assembly in its own Application Domain. It may come in handy in the following situations:

  • You need to use different app.config files for different test assemblies.

  • You use reflection in tests.

Check for orphaned processes spawned by test runner

By default, ReSharper maintains a list of all processes that are launched by the executed tests. If some of theses processes do not exit after the test execution is over, ReSharper will suggest you to terminate the process.

If your setup requires some processes started by the tests to continue running, you can clear this checkbox to avoid unnecessary notifications.

Check for hanging test execution

By default, ReSharper notifies you if there is no response from the test execution process.
You may want to disable or configure this option if there is some code that could take long when executing after tests are finished (SetupFixture TearDown, Class TearDown).

Environment variables

In this area, you can configure a list of Name-Value pairs of environment variables that would be passed to the process started by the unit test runner and to all its child processes.
These environment variables will override variables with the same names defined in your system, if any.
Depending on whether these environment variables contain sensitive information or not, you can save them either in the 'Solution personal' or in the 'Solution team-shared' settings layer.
Note that you don't have to restart Visual Studio after adding new variables.

Last modified: 16 April 2020