ReSharper 2019.3 Help

Unit Test Explorer window

ReSharper | Windows | Unit Tests
ReSharper| Unit Tests | Unit Tests

Using this window, you can explore and run or debug unit tests of all supported frameworks in the entire solution. Note that unit tests from a project only appear in the window after the project is built. Tests from currently opened files are updated automatically, new tests from the opened files appear in the unit test explorer as soon as you create them. For more information, see working with unit tests in project or solution.

To search tests, start typing a test name or its CamelHumps abbreviation as soon as your focus is in this window.

Unit Test Explorer displays test from the entire solution

Toolbar Controls




ThemedIcon Refresh Screen Gray Refresh

Updates window content to reflect any changes made in the code or externally.

ThemedIcon RunTest Screen Gray Run Unit Tests Ctrl+T,R

Runs selected tests. To select multiple texts, click them holding the Ctrl key.

You can use the integrated drop-down selector for other actions on the selected tests:

ThemedIcon Cover Screen Gray Cover Unit Tests Ctrl+T,H By clicking this button, you can start code coverage of the selected tests.

This button appears if JetBrains dotCover is integrated with Visual Studio.

ThemedIcon DotMemoryUnitRun Screen Gray Run Unit Tests under dotMemory Unit Ctrl+T,M

Runs selected tests tests with dotMemory Unit enabled. Use this button to run tests that use dotMemory Unit framework check code for memory issues.

ThemedIcon UtrProfile Screen Gray Profile Unit Tests By clicking this button, you can profile selected tests.

This button appears if JetBrains dotTrace is integrated with Visual Studio.

ThemedIcon RunTest Screen Gray Run Unit Test Until Fail

Use this action for unstable tests. Once you click it, the selected tests will start running in a cycle util one of them fails. You can abort this cycle by clicking Stop Execution ThemedIcon StopTest Screen Gray .

ThemedIcon Debug Screen Gray Debug Unit Tests Ctrl+T,D

Starts debugging for selected tests in the current session.

ThemedIcon Cover Screen Gray Cover Unit Tests Ctrl+T,H By clicking this button, you can start code coverage of the selected tests.

This button appears if JetBrains dotCover is integrated with Visual Studio.

ThemedIcon UtrProfile Screen Gray Profile Unit Tests By clicking this button, you can profile selected tests.

This button appears if JetBrains dotTrace is integrated with Visual Studio.

ThemedIcon AddedParameter Screen Gray Append Tests to Session Ctrl+T,A

Click this button to add the selected tests to a test session. ReSharper will suggest choosing one of the existing sessions or creating a new one.

ThemedIcon NewSession Screen Gray Create New Session Ctrl+T,N

Creates a new test session with selected tests, which is then opened in the Unit Test Sessions window.

ThemedIcon ExpandAll Screen Gray ThemedIcon CollapseAll Screen Gray

Expand All/ Collapse All

Expands/collapses all nodes in the current tab.

ThemedIcon Up Screen Gray ThemedIcon Down Screen Gray

Previous/ Next
Shift+F8 / F8

Navigate to the previous/next item and scrolls through the source code accordingly.

ThemedIcon Export Screen Gray Export

Click this button to export the data currently displayed in the window in text format, or use the drop-down selector to export the data in XML or HTML format. The Export Data dialog that appears, will help you to save the data to a file or copy it to the clipboard.

Group by

Allows grouping items in the window by different categories.

Last modified: 16 April 2020