RubyMine 2016.1 Help

TypeScript Support

RubyMine supports developing and running TypeScript source code. RubyMine recognizes *.ts files, and allows you to edit them providing full range of coding assistance without any additional steps from your side. TypeScript files are marked with the typeScript.png icon.

To run, debug, and test your code you will need it translated into JavaScript which requires a transpiler.

In this section:

Preparing for TypeScript Development

  1. Make sure the JavaScript Support plugin is enabled. The plugin is bundled with RubyMine and activated by default. If the plugin is not activated, enable it on the Plugins page of the Settings / Preferences Dialog as described in Enabling and Disabling Plugins.
  2. Make sure the Node.js plugin is installed and enabled. The plugin is not bundled with RubyMine, but it can be installed from the JetBrains plugin repository as described in Installing, Updating and Uninstalling Repository Plugins and Enabling and Disabling Plugins.

Coding Assistance

TypeScript support includes:

See Also

Last modified: 21 July 2016