RubyMine 2017.1 Help

Creating Models

In this section:

Generators for creating models

RubyMine makes it possible to stub out models using the Rails generators:

  • The model generator creates a model class that defines a database table, and a migration that defines columns within the table. Besides that, a unit test and a test fixture are created.
  • The scaffold generator creates a model class that defines a database table, and a migration that defines columns within the table. Besides that, a controller, forms and the other necessary resources are created.

To create a model

  1. Do one of the following:
    • Choose New on the context menu of an editor or Project tool window, or press Alt+Insert, and then choose New - Run Rails Generator.
    • Run Rails generator: choose Tools | Run Rails Generator.
    • With a Model Dependency diagram having the focus, choose New - Model on the context menu of the diagram background, or press Alt+Insert.
  2. In the dialog box that opens, start typing the generator name, for example, model or scaffold.

    Note that for creating models in diagram, only model generator is used.

  3. Type the name of a model to be created, in singular, and the list of fields and their types. Note that code completion is available for the field types.

    A migration is created.

  4. Create columns in the table. To do that, you have to run the migration in one of the following ways:
    • Run migration as a script with the temporary run configuration. Click the migration hyperlink in the console to open the migration file in the editor:

      Then press Ctrl+Shift+F10. In this case the current migration runs in the development environment, or in the one defined in the environment.rb file.

    • Run migration as a Rake task. For example, you can choose Tools | Run Rake Task on the main menu, and start typing mig. Then select db:migrate from the suggestion list.

      In the Execute db:migrate dialog box, select the desired migration, and the environment that defines the database to which the migration will be applied.


      The results is shown in the Run tool window:


    Once a model is created, you can view all the fields declared in this model, in the Rails view, and navigate from these table column to the corresponding methods.

See Also

Last modified: 18 July 2017