TeamCity Add-in 2017.2 Help

My Changes window

ReSharper | TeamCity | My Changes

This window displays information on any changes you have committed to the source control systems enabled in the TeamCity Add-in options, as well as your personal builds. The changes pane groups changes by the time (today, yesterday, and older) of the build (either personal or general) they were included into, and each change is marked with a build status icon.

In addition, if your modifications have been committed to the source control, the changeset is marked with the labels that display the commit type and status.

Select a specific change to display builds related to this change in the builds pane. The builds pane displays the following information:

  • Project name and build configuration
  • Fixed in: number of the build, where the error was fixed
  • First run in: number of the first build, where the selected change was included, and failure descriptions (if applicable).
  • Current: the latest running build that contains this change.
TeamCity Add-in: My Changes window

Toolbar controls in the Changes Pane

ThemedIcon Refresh Screen Gray Refresh Updates window content to reflect status of builds on your TeamCity server.
ThemedIcon ExpandAll Screen Gray ThemedIcon CollapseAll Screen Gray Expand All/ Collapse All Expands/collapses all nodes in the current tab.
ThemedIcon SplitBottom Screen Gray Horizontal/Vertical Layout Allows changing the position of the results pane (right or bottom)
ThemedIcon FilterHideSuccessfull Screen Gray Hide Successful Allows displaying only the changes which resulted in failed builds; changes which resulted in successful builds are hidden
ThemedIcon FilterShowPersonalOnly Screen Gray Hide Non-personal Allows displaying only changes in personal builds.
ThemedIcon OpenInBrowser Screen Gray Open in Web Allows displaying details on the selected change in the web UI of your TeamCity server

Changesets Status Icons

Status IconDescription
ThemedIcon BuildRunningSuccess Screen Gray Build configuration with the changeset is running on your TeamCity server with no failed build steps.
ThemedIcon BuildRunningFail Screen Gray Build configuration is running with failed build steps.
ThemedIcon Success Screen Gray Build configuration has completed successfully.
ThemedIcon Error Screen Gray Build configuration has failed.
ThemedIcon BuildCancelled Screen Gray Build configuration has been cancelled on your TeamCity server.
ThemedIcon Hourglass Screen Gray Build configuration is in the build queue on your TeamCity server.
ThemedIcon PersonalRunningSuccess Screen Gray Personal build configuration is running on your TeamCity server with no failed build steps.
ThemedIcon PersonalRunningFail Screen Gray Personal build configuration is running with failed build steps.
ThemedIcon PersonalSuccess Screen Gray Personal build configuration has completed successfully.
ThemedIcon PersonalFail Screen Gray Personal build configuration has failed.
ThemedIcon PersonalImpending Screen Gray The personal build configuration is in the build queue on your TeamCity server.
ThemedIcon PersonalCancelled Screen Gray The personal build configuration has been cancelled on your TeamCity server.

Toolbar controls in the Results Pane

ThemedIcon ExpandAll Screen Gray ThemedIcon CollapseAll Screen Gray Expand All/ Collapse All Expands/collapses all nodes in the current tab.
ThemedIcon FilterHideSuccessfull Screen Gray Hide Successful Allows displaying only failed builds and hiding successful builds
ThemedIcon OpenInBrowser Screen Gray Open in Web Allows displaying details on the selected build in the web UI of your TeamCity server
ThemedIcon ViewLog Screen Gray Open Build Log Allows displaying build log for the selected build. The log is fetched from your TeamCity server
ThemedIcon UnitSession Screen Gray Open Failed Tests This button is only available if JetBrains ReSharper is installed in the current Visual Studio version. It is enabled when you select a failed build, opens the Failed Tests window where you can view and analyze all tests that failed in this build.
Last modified: 14 December 2017