TeamCity Add-in 2017.3 Help

Analyzing Server Changesets, Builds, and Tests

Analyzing Changesets and Builds

As soon as you have connected to your TeamCity server, you can see all changesets and personal builds made from your account in the My Changes window:

  • By default, this view displays changes in all configurations on your TeamCity server made from your account. So, if you work on multiple projects, you may see some irrelevant changesets. To remove such changesets, filter changes by the current solution (Ctrl+Shift+Alt+T).
  • Use the Hide Successful ThemedIcon FilterHideSuccessfull Screen Gray and Hide Non-personal ThemedIcon FilterShowPersonalOnly Screen Gray buttons on the toolbar to further filter your changesets.
  • Click on a changeset to view related builds in the results panel (right).
  • Click Open in Web ThemedIcon OpenInBrowser Screen Gray on the toolbar to open the selected changeset in the web interface of your TeamCity server.

Analyzing Failed Tests

TeamCity Add-in allows you to explore tests that failed on your TeamCity server with your changes, locate these tests in your source code, and even re-run them locally.

There are two ways to view the list of tests that failed during a particular build on the server:

  • In the change pane (left) My Changes window, select a changeset that caused a build failure (it could be a normally committed change ThemedIcon Error Screen Gray or a personal build ThemedIcon PersonalFail Screen Gray ), then choose the build in the results pane (right) and click Open Failed Tests ThemedIcon UnitSession Screen Gray .
  • Make sure that Visual Studio is running and the solution containing the failed unit test is open. Then, locate the build with failed tests in the TeamCity web interface and click the Tests failed link.
    Failed tests in the TeamCity web interface
    On the build results page that opens, scroll to the desired test, click the arrow next to it, and then choose Open in IDE.
    Failed tests in the TeamCity web interface

In both cases, the failed tests will be displayed in the Failed Tests window, where you can further explore them:

  • Double-click on tests to navigate to their source code.
  • In the test results panel, use clickable links to navigate to stack traces of the failed test.
  • Click Run Selected Tests ThemedIcon RunTest Screen Gray to to run selected tests with ReSharper unit test runner. To select multiple texts, use the Ctrl key.

Analyzing Build Logs

Using TeamCity Add-in, you can study logs of builds with your changes right in Visual Studio. To view a build log, choose a changeset in the changes pane (left) of the My Changes window, then select one of the related builds in the results pane (right) and click Open Build Log ThemedIcon ViewLog Screen Gray . You will see the full log in the Build Log window:

TeamCity Add-in: Build Log window

Viewing Your Investigations

With TeamCity Add-in, you can also view all investigations assigned to you on your TeamCity server.

Press Ctrl+Shift+Alt+I or choose ReSharper | TeamCity | My Investigations in the main menu. All your current investigations will be displayed in the My investigations window, where you can give up a specific investigation or mark it as fixed, all without leaving Visual Studio.

TeamCity Add-in: My Investigations window
Last modified: 16 April 2018