ReSharper 2016.1 vs ReSharper 10

This page will help you compare ReSharper 2016.1 with its predecessor. ReSharper 2016.1 improves its set of code style features; adds multiple new context actions and quick-fixes; introduces support for VB.NET 14, JSON and Node.js; runs xUnit tests natively; helps ensure the right escaping in string literals; decompiles .NET code into IL code; learns to optimize NuGet references; gets better in many other ways. For details, please see What's New in ReSharper.

ReSharper 10
ReSharper 2016.1

Supported versions of Visual Studio

Visual Studio 2010 Visual Studio 2010
Visual Studio 2012 Visual Studio 2012
Visual Studio 2013 Visual Studio 2013
Visual Studio 2015 (RTM and Update 1) Visual Studio 2015 (Update 1 and Update 2)

Code analysis

1750+ code inspections 2000+ code inspections
Underline highlighting of errors More accurate highlighting of errors related to complex types
Find Code Issues (list all code issues in any scope) Find Code Issues can now search for issues in the background, which allows you to keep working in the text editor
WCF-specific code inspections and quick-fixes WCF-specific code inspections and quick-fixes

Code style

Code inspections and quick-fixes to apply a preferred code style New code style settings, code inspections and quick-fixes to set a preferred style for using named arguments, braces around single nested statements, and grouping of attribute sections
Applying code style settings with Code Cleanup and quick-fixes Code style settings can additionally be applied with a dedicated Apply Code Style command (C# only)
Code reformatting In addition to a Code Cleanup profile, Reformat Code is now available as a dedicated action again

Refactorings and context actions

52 refactorings 53 refactorings: Invert Boolean Member is now available
Optimize References, Remove Unused References refactorings Optimize References, Remove Unused References refactorings properly support NuGet references
280+ context actions 350+ context actions
Context actions on a code selection New context actions available on a code selection: Reformat Code, Apply Code Style and Cleanup Code
Context actions for string manipulation More context actions for string manipulation: convert string interpolation to string.Format(), convert string concatenation to string interpolation, insert new arguments into string interpolation expressions, and more
Context actions to check argument values Context actions to check argument values based on their type: check string parameters against nullness, empty and whitespace strings; check collection parameters against empty collections; check numeric parameters against negative values, and more

Coding assistance

Smart Paste Smart Paste: helps ensure the right escaping in string literals that you copy/paste around your code

Navigation and search

IL Viewer IL Viewer: you can display IL code that matches library code or your compiled source code

Unit testing

xUnit: supported via a plugin xUnit: supported out-of-the-box

Supported languages and technologies

C#: up to version 6.0 C#: up to version 6.0
VB.NET: up to version 11 VB.NET: up to version 14
JavaScript JavaScript: improved JSDoc support; granular formatting settings; support for experimental ECMAScript syntax; better JavaScript support in Visual Studio 2013 and prior Visual Studio releases
Node.js Node.js: code completion, navigation, code inspections, quick-fixes, and more
JSON JSON: syntax highlighting, navigation, code formatting, rearranging code, code inspections, code completion, and more
TypeScript: up to version 1.6 TypeScript: up to version 1.8 (also experimental support for TypeScript 2.0)
Build scripts Build scripts
Google Protocol Buffers Google Protocol Buffers
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