ReSharper 8 vs ReSharper 7

Compare the latest and greatest ReSharper 8 with its predecessor. Highlights of ReSharper 8 include support for Visual Studio 2013, new architecture tools, drastically improved XAML support, more refactorings, and an easier way to fix common .NET code issues. For details, please see What's New in ReSharper 8.

ReSharper 7
ReSharper 8

Supported versions of Visual Studio

Visual Studio 2005 Visual Studio 2005
Visual Studio 2008 Visual Studio 2008
Visual Studio 2010 Visual Studio 2010
Visual Studio 2012 Visual Studio 2012 including Blue Theme
Visual Studio 2013

Code analysis

1400+ code inspections Added 21 new code inspections
Local quick-fixes for detected issues Quick-fixes can be applied in a larger scope
Architecture tools

Refactorings and context actions

200+ context actions Added 24 new context actions
46 refactorings 49 refactorings: added 3 new refactorings, specifically Move Instance Method, Inline Parameter and Pull Parameter (a sophisticated case of Change Signature). In addition, Extract Style, Extract/Move Resource and Inline Resource are now available in XAML

Code completion and generation

Live, surround, and file templates Live, surround, file and a new type of multifile templates
Symbol code completion Symbol code completion
Smart code completion Smart code completion
Import symbol completion Import symbol completion
Generative completion
Double completion
Cast and sender completion
Formatting specifier completion (details on all code completion improvements)

Navigation and search

Navigation to decompiled code Improved decompiler (better support for async methods and await expressions, expression trees and field-like events; BAML decompiler)
Go to Type Go to Everything
Navigate to Generic Substitutions
Navigate to Assembly Explorer (details on all navigation improvements)

Supported languages

C#: up to version 5.0 C#: up to version 5.0
VB.NET: up to version 11 VB.NET: up to version 11
XAML XAML: new code inspections, quick-fixes, context actions, and refactorings (details)
JavaScript JavaScript
CSS CSS: new code inspections, quick-fixes, and context actions (details)
Build scripts Build scripts


Extensibility via plugins with manual discovery and installation NuGet-based Extension Manager for easy discovery and installation of plugins and other types of extensions (for Visual Studio 2010 and higher)
Free 30-day trial