ReSharper 9 vs ReSharper 8

Highlights of ReSharper 9 include support for Visual Studio 2015 and C# 6, drastically improved TypeScript support, regular expressions support, more bulk quick-fixes, a new file layout editor and navigation actions. ReSharper 9 also introduces a new platform to reduce memory usage working together with dotCover, dotTrace, dotMemory and dotPeek. For details, please see What's New in ReSharper 9.

ReSharper 8
ReSharper 9

Supported versions of Visual Studio

Visual Studio 2005 Visual Studio 2005
Visual Studio 2008 Visual Studio 2008
Visual Studio 2010 Visual Studio 2010
Visual Studio 2012 Visual Studio 2012
Visual Studio 2013 Visual Studio 2013
Visual Studio 2015 Visual Studio 2015 (RTM only)

Code analysis

1400+ code inspections 1700+ code inspections
Fix in scope mechanic introduced for ~40 quick-fixes in C# and VB.NET Fix in scope is supported by 79 quick-fixes in C#, VB.NET, JavaScript, TypeScript and ASP.NET
Project Dependency Diagram Project Dependency Diagram
Type Dependency Diagram
Regular expressions analysis with quick-fixes and a separate Validation Utility for on-the-fly testing

Refactorings and context actions

220+ context actions Added 50+ new context actions
52 refactorings Copy Type, Introduce Field and Move refactorings are now available for JavaScript and TypeScript

Code completion and generation

Symbol code completion Symbol code completion
Smart code completion Smart code completion
Import symbol completion Import symbol completion
Generative completion Completion based on Solution Wide Analysis results
Filters in code completion

Code style assistance

Code cleanup Code cleanup
Naming style Automatic correction of naming style violations in the current file, project or solution
Formatting rules Reformatting of selected code block in JavaScript and TypeScript
Type member layout Visual editor for file and type layout
A number of new code style preferences that have common configurations for both code inspection and code cleanup

Navigation and search

Navigate to Assembly Explorer Ability to set Assembly Explorer as the default navigation destination for compiled code
Go to Everything Recently viewed methods and performance improvements in Go to Everything
Improved Find Results window
Go to Action
Navigate to Exposing APIs
Search in ReSharper options

Supported languages

C#: up to version 5.0 C#: up to version 6.0
VB.NET: up to version 11 VB.NET: up to version 11
JavaScript JavaScript: new code inspections, quick-fixes and refactorings, JS to TS converter
TypeScript TypeScript is supported up to version 1.3: 270 new code inspections, 50 new quick-fixes and 6 new refactorings
Build scripts Build scripts


NuGet-based Extension Manager (for Visual Studio 2010 and higher) Single NuGet-based Extension Manager for the all JetBrains .NET tools that operate on a shared platform

Shared platform

Each of the installed tool has an impact on overall performance All JetBrains .NET tools including ReSharper, dotTrace, dotMemory, dotCover and dotPeek start to operate on a shared platfrom, which conserves resources when several products are running at the same time
Free 30-day trial