IDE Plugin

To help developers stay in their comfort zone, Upsource features code review plugins for IntelliJ IDEA and other JetBrains IDEs, which allow you to participate in code discussions and manage code reviews from the comfort of your IDE.

News Feed

See what’s going on in the project you’re working on in real time. By default, you get only notifications relevant to you, e.g. when somebody comments on code you’ve authored, mentions you, or assigns you to review a change. But if you prefer, you can also track all news, or just unread ones. Reply to comments and resolve discussions straight from the News Feed in your IDE – no need to switch context.

Code reviews from IDE

Create code reviews straight from the Commit dialog, review your teammates’ changes, browse other ongoing reviews, and see who is involved. Know which revisions have been added, what the changes look like, what’s being discussed, and so on. You can add comments on revisions, in VCS diffs, and label discussions just like you do in the web UI.

Sharing code

If you have Upsource integration plugin installed, you can easily share links to any piece of code with your teammates. They’ll be able to browse that exact selection in that specific revision in Upsource.

Supported IDEs: IntelliJ IDEA, PhpStorm, WebStorm, PyCharm, RubyMine, CLion, Rider, GoLand and Android Studio.

Upsource Integration Plugin on JetBrains Marketplace