Data Access

Data Access

Working with data storage mechanisms

Data access is critical to many line-of-business applications. Whether it is a traditional SQL relational database or the latest in NoSQL storage, JetBrains can help with first-class tools.

See Also


Blazor Essentials
Learn how to build a basic application with Blazor.


Quickly Explore Database Tables in any JetBrains IDE
How does exploring your database without writing a single line of SQL sound?


Turbocharging SQL Queries
Want to take your SQL query speed to the next level? This video will explore how your JetBrains IDE can help you achieve faster SQL queries.

Part of tutorial

HTMX cascading selects
One thing leads to another

Part of tutorial

Client-side templating with Mustache and HTMX
Generate HTML on the client, based on JSON

Part of tutorial

Hello, HTMX!
No series is complete without a "Hello, World" sample

Part of tutorial

HTMX state management
Maintaining state across requests

Part of tutorial

Typeahead search with HTMX
Live updates based on your search query

Part of tutorial

Giving context to HTMX

Part of tutorial

Infinite scrolling with HTMX
Streaming infinite content to your users

Part of tutorial

Out-of-band swaps with HTMX
Swap and replace any HTML element

Part of tutorial

ASP.NET Core Razor TagHelpers for HTMX
Simplify integration of HTMX in ASP.NET Core apps

Part of tutorial

Polling to get recent updates
Retrieve updated information from the server

Part of tutorial

Server-side validation, client-side feel
Validate models on the server, display results on the client

Part of tutorial

Server-powered modals with HTMX
Create modal dialogs on the server

Part of tutorial

Real-world shopping cart and conclusion
See all HTMX techniques come together

Part of tutorial

Shortcut keys for web applications
Add keyboard shortcuts to make your web an app

Part of tutorial

What is HTMX?
Understanding the spirit of the HTMX library

Part of tutorial

Server-sent events for realtime updates
Send messages to clients in realtime

Part of tutorial

Tabs, tabs, and more tabs with HTMX
Asynchronous rendering of tabs on the server


Embracing gRPC in .NET
Irina Scurtu

Part of tutorial

Local .NET Development With Docker
Learn how to work with Docker and JetBrains Rider in our development environment.

Part of tutorial

Common Docker Terminology
Common terms and phrases .NET developers will encounter when working with Docker.

Part of tutorial

ASP.NET Core Development with Docker
Learn how Docker can work with your current ASP.NET Core development process.

Part of tutorial

Docker Compose and Multiple Containers
Learn to use multiple containers to run a complete ASP.NET Solution.

Part of tutorial

Why Should .NET Developers Care About Docker?
We'll see why containerization is an important topic for .NET Developers.

Part of tutorial

JetBrains Rider's Docker Integrations
Learn about Rider's convenient Docker features that make working with containers feel like an ocean breeze.


Docker For .NET Developers
A jump-start guide for .NET developers interested in Docker and containerization.

Part of tutorial

Working With Databases
Effectively working with databases in Rider from a Visual Studio + ReSharper user's perspective.

Part of tutorial

Working With IIS and IIS Express
Effectively working with ASP.NET Core and IIS in Rider from a Visual Studio + ReSharper user's perspective.

Part of tutorial

Comparing Rider's Toolbar with Visual Studio
Learn how Rider's toolbar UI compares with the toolbar found in Visual Studio.


.NET Localization
Localization and the art of reaching more users

Part of tutorial

Localization Basics
Working with Cultures, Resources, & Apps

Part of tutorial

Localizing ASP.NET Applications
Working with Cultures, Resources, & ASP.NET


The Basics Series
A set of short basic walkthroughs of different .NET technologies

Part of tutorial

Basics of ADO.NET
Working with databases using DbConnection, DbCommand, and DbDataReader

Part of tutorial

Basics of Dapper
Working with databases using Open Source

Part of tutorial

Basics of Entity Framework Core
Working with databases using an object relational mapper