What is Rider for Unreal?

Learn about using Rider for your Unreal Engine games.

Rider is a fast and powerful IDE for cross-platform Unreal Engine development. Rider gives you insights on Blueprints, assists with the reflection mechanism, and helps ensure good coding style and accuracy.

Starting with 4.25 on Windows and 4.26.2 on macOS, Unreal Editor has built-in support for JetBrains Rider with Unreal Engine features. If you're using an earlier version of Unreal Engine, you need to install the RiderSourceCodeAccess plugin manually. For details, refer to the plugin page on GitHub.

Once the plugin is installed into the engine and enabled, Unreal Editor will list JetBrains Rider as a supported source code editor (Editor Preferences | General | Source Code). You can select a specific version, or just select Rider to always use the latest installed version.

You can work with the .uproject directly in JetBrains Rider, without generating a Visual Studio solution, Xcode project files, or any extra project models like Makefiles. On Windows, you can alternatively open your .sln files.

See Also