CLion 2016.3 Help

C++ Support

Currently, CLion supports all the C++ standards up to C++14. The C++17 is not supported for now therefore it is out of scope for this topic.
The table below represents the list of features supported by CLion for the respective standards.
/help/img/idea/2016.3/appIconOk512.png - Supported.
/help/img/idea/2016.3/stop@2x.png - Not supported.

Variable templates
Generic lambdas
Binary literals
Aggregate initialization for classes with brace-or-equal initializers
[[deprecated]] attribute
Single quote as digit separator
Return type deduction for normal functions
Generalized lambda capture
auto specifier
decltype specifier
final specifier
override specifier
Trailing return initialization
rvalue references
Variadic templates
List initialization
In-class member initializers
Delegating constructors
Inheriting constructors
long long
char16_t and char32_t
Generalized unions
Generalized POD's
thread_local storage
GC interface
range for
Static asserts
Explicit specifier
default/ delete keywords
Scoped enum
thread_local keyword
noexcept specifier
noexcept operator
Inline namespaces
alignof / alignas specifiers
extern template
attribute specifier sequence
Lambda functions
Raw string literals
Type aliases
Type traits
User-defined literals
constexpr specifier
constexpr functions are not always used in code analysis, for example in the following code sample CLion can't determine correct specialization yet:
#include <iostream> constexpr int foo() { return 3 + 3; } template<int i> struct S { int value() { return 1; } }; template<> struct S<5> { int value() { return 2; } }; int main() { std::cout << S<foo()>().value(); }

You can enable the desired C++ standard using CMake CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD variable. For example:


CLion is compatible with libc++ (Clang) and libstdc++ (GCC) Standard Template Libraries (STL).

See Also

Last modified: 29 March 2017