CLion 2017.1 Help

Welcome Screen

On this page:


CLion displays the Welcome screen when no project is open. From this screen, you can quickly access the major starting points of CLion. The Welcome screen appears when you close the current project in the only instance of CLion. If you are working with multiple projects, usually closing a project results in closing the CLion window in which it was running, except for the last project, closing this will show the Welcome screen.

The Welcome screen is divided into the following sections: Quick Start and Recent Projects (if any).


Recent projects

If appropriate, the left-hand pane shows a list of projects you've recently been working with. Click a project to reopen it.

To find a project of interest, start typing its name.


To delete a recent project from the list, follow these steps:

  1. Use the Tab key to move focus into the list of Recent projects.
  2. Use arrows keys to select the project you'd like to remove, or find it, as shows above.
  3. Do one of the following:
    • Press Delete on your keyboard and confirm deletion in the Remove Recent Project dialog box that opens.
    • To remove the selected recent project silently, click /help/img/idea/2017.1/close1.png or choose Remove Selected from Welcome Screen on the context menu of the selection.

Quick start

Use the links of this section to create a new project, open or import an existing project, or check out a project from version control.

Also, use the drop-down arrows (/help/img/idea/2017.1/arrowDownSmall.png) Configure to configure your working environment and default project, and Get Help to open help topics, tips of the day, and default keymap document.

See Also

Last modified: 19 July 2017