CLion 2017.3 Help

Navigating Through the Hierarchy of Functions

CLion provides an easy way to navigate up and down through the hierarchy of functions. If a function is overridden / implemented by a certain function, or overrides / implements some function itself, it is marked with an icon in the gutter area of the editor. When the mouse cursor hovers over such icon, the function information is displayed as the tooltip:

  • gutterIconImplements: This function implements a method required by an implemented interface or extended abstract class.
  • gutterIconImplemented: This function of an interface or an abstract class is implemented by one or more descendants.
  • gutterIconOverriding: This function overrides a method defined by its superclass.
  • gutterIconOverridden: This function or field is overridden / implemented by one or more subclasses.

Use these icons, shortcuts, or menu commands to navigate to the corresponding points of origin.

Navigating through the hierarchy of functions

To navigate up and down through the function hierarchy, do one of the following:

  • Click the gutter icon and select the desired ascendant or descendant class from the list.
  • On the main Navigate menu, choose Super Definition, or Definition(s) respectively.
  • Press Ctrl+U or Ctrl+Alt+B for the super function or implementation respectively.
Last modified: 27 March 2018

See Also