CLion 2018.1 Help

File Status Highlights

In CLion, each file has its own status marked with a specific color. A file status shows how the actual file's content corresponds to the one marked as 'current'.

In the editor, each line in a file is checked for its correspondence with the 'current' state and is marked with a specific color in the left gutter area.

You can customize the default colors:

  • For files: In the Settings/Preferences dialog (Ctrl+Alt+S), under Version Control | File Status Colors
  • For lines in the editor: In the Settings/Preferences dialog (Ctrl+Alt+S), under Editor | Color Scheme | VCS.

File Status

ColorFile StatusDescription
BlackUp to dateFile is unchanged.
Gray DeletedFile is scheduled for deletion from the repository.
Blue ModifiedFile has changed since the last synchronization.
Green AddedFile is scheduled for addition to the repository.
Violet MergedFile is merged by your VCS as a result of an update.
Brown UnversionedFile exists locally, but is not in the repository, and is not scheduled for adding.
Olive IgnoredFile will be ignored in any VCS operation.
Light brown HijackedFile is modified without checkout. This status is valid for the files under Perforce, ClearCase and VSS. modified without checkout.
Red Merged with conflictsDuring the last update, file was merged with conflicts.
Lilac Externally deletedFile is deleted locally, but was not scheduled for deletion, and still exists in the CVS repository.
Dark cyan SwitchedThe file is taken from a different branch than the whole project. This status is valid for CVS and SVN.

Line Status in the editor

ColorFile StatusDescription
gutterBlue ModifiedDenotes the lines modified since the last synchronization.
gutterGreen AddedDenotes the lines added since the last synchronization.
gutterGray DeletedDenotes the lines removed since the last synchronization.
Last modified: 24 July 2018

See Also