CLion 2018.2 Help

Node.js and NPM

File | Settings | Languages and Frameworks | Node.js and NPM for Windows and Linux
CLion | Preferences | Languages and Frameworks | Node.js and NPM for macOS
Ctrl+Alt+S icons general settings svg

This page appears in the Settings dialog box, when the Node.js plugin is enabled. The plugin is not bundled with CLion, but it can be installed from the JetBrains plugin repository as described in Managing Plugins.



Node interpreter

In this field, specify the default Node.js interpreter for the current project. CLion will automatically use it every time you select the Project alias from Node Interpreter lists when creating run/debug configurations or configuring Node.js-dependent tools, for example, Prettier or Yeoman.

Choose the interpreter from the drop-down list or from the dialog that opens when you click browseButton. If you choose node, the system Node.js version is used.


This read-only field shows the current version of Node.js.


The Packages area shows a list of all the NPM-dependent packages that are currently installed on your computer.
  • Package: this read-only field shows the name of a package, exactly as it should be referenced if you were installing it in the command line mode.

  • Version: this read-only field shows the version of the package installed on your computer.

  • Latest: this read-only field shows the latest released version of the package. If a package is not up-to-date, it is marked with a blue arrow icons vcs arrow right.

  • Click icons general add svg to have a new package installed. In the Available Packages dialog box that opens, select the relevant package. To have the package installed globally, select the Options checkbox and type -g in the Options text box. Global installation makes the package available at the CLion level so it can be used in any CLion project. Click Install Package when ready.

  • Click icons general remove svg to have the selected package removed.

  • Click icons actions previousOccurence svg to have the current version of the selected package replaced with the latest released version. The button is enabled only when the selected project is not up-to-date.

Last modified: 27 November 2018

See Also

Language and Framework-Specific Guidelines: