CLion 2018.2 Help


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On this page, create, edit, and delete server access configurations that give you control over interaction between CLion and servers. Anytime you are going to use a server, you need to define a server access configurations, no matter whether your server is on a remote host or on your computer.

Among numerous ways to configure your development and production environments the most frequent ones are as follows:

  • The project root is on your computer and you do your development there. You upload the files to a remote server (folder on a remote computer) and build and execute an application there.

  • The Web server is installed on your computer. The sources are under the server document root (for example, /htdocs), and you do your development right on the server.

  • The Web server is on another computer (remote host). Files on the server are available through the FTP/SFTP/FTPS protocol, through a network share, or a mounted drive.

Let's define the terms and their meaning in the context of synchronization between CLion and servers.

  • An in-place server is a server whose document root is the parent of the project root, either immediate or not. In other words, the Web server is running on your computer, your project is under its document root, and you do your development directly on the server.

  • A local server is a server that is running in a local or a mounted folder and whose document root is NOT the parent of the project root.

  • A remote server is a server on another computer (remote host).

  • The server configuration root is the highest folder in the file tree on the local or remote server accessible through the server configuration. For in-place servers, it is the project root.

  • A local file/folder is any file or folder under the project root.

  • A remote file/folder is any file or folder on the server, either local or remote.

    Suppose you have a project C:/Projects/My_Project/ with a folder C:/Projects/My_Project/My_Folder and a local server with the document root in C:/xampp/htdocs. You upload the entire project tree to C:/xampp/htdocs/My_Project. In the terms of CLion, the folder C:/Projects/My_Project/My_Folder is referred to as local and the folder C:/xampp/htdocs/My_Project/My_Folder is referred to as remote.

  • Upload is copying data from the project TO the server, either local or remote.

  • Download is copying data FROM the server to the project.

Synchronization with servers, uploading, downloading, and managing files on them are provided via the Remote Hosts Access bundled plugin, which is by default enabled. If the plugin is disabled, activate it in the Plugins page of the Settings dialog box. For details, see Managing Plugins.

Toolbar and common options

Use the toolbar buttons to manage the list of configurations.

The left-hand pane shows a list of all the server access configurations available in CLion. When you select a configuration, the right-hand pane shows the configuration details.


Tooltip and shortcut


icons general add svg


Click this button to open the Add Server dialog box and define a new configuration there.

icons general remove svg


Click this button to remove the selected configuration from the list.

icons actions copy svg


Click this button to copy the settings of the selected configuration.


Use as Default

Click this button to have CLion apply the settings of the selected configuration by default during automatic upload of changed files.

Last modified: 27 November 2018