CLion 2018.3 Help

Icons and Symbols

While working in CLion, you can see various icons all around the UI. For most of them, you can get a tooltip description by hovering the mouse over an icon, for example:

icon tooltip

This article gives a summary of icons that are not supplied with tooltips. Such icons belong to the following UI areas: Project View, Structure View, Breadcrumbs, or one of the Hierarchy Views (Call, Method, or Imports Hierarchy).

interface areas with icons not supplied with tooltips

Project View Icons

Folders and files


- Plain folder

Source folder

- Source folder

Excluded folder

- Excluded folder (highlighted with yellow background in the Project tree)

cl plaintext icon

- File marked as plain text

External libraries

- External library

Scratches and Consoles

- Scratch files and consoles

File types

In the Project tree, files are marked with file type icons, for example clion icons FileType cpp, clion icons FileType h, clion icons CMake (see Recognized File Types for the full list with corresponding symbols). The 'question mark' icon icons fileTypes unknown svg indicates that CLion could not recognize the file type.

Source files

Files marked with blue overlay badges icons modules sourceRootFileLayer are source files (for CMake projects, if a file icon does not have this overlay badge, it means that the file is not included in CMakeLists.txt).

VCS status indication

If VCS integration is enabled for the project, CLion uses colors to denote VCS file status in the Project tool window. For the colors meaning, refer to File status highlights.

Structure, Hierarchy, and Breadcrumbs Icons

Elements in Structure View, Call Hierarchy or Method Hierarchy can also have visibility indicators: private icons nodes c private svg, protected icons nodes c protected svg, or public icons nodes c public svg.

clion icons CodeAssistantStruct

- Struct/Class

clion icons CodeAssistantGlobal

- Global variable

clion icons CodeAssistantField

- Struct/Class field

cl globalconst icon

- Global constant variable

cl constfield icon

- Struct/Class constant field

cl globalstaticconst icon

- Global static constant variable

cl staticconstfield icon

- Struct/Class static constant field

clion icons CodeAssistantEnum

- Enumeration

clion icons CodeAssistantFunction

- Function

clion icons CodeAssistantEnumConst

- Enumeration value

clion icons CodeAssistantFunctionAbstract

- Pure virtual function

clion icons CodeAssistantNamespace

- Namespace

cl constfunction icon

- Constant function

clion icons CodeAssistantUnion

- Union

cl staticfunction icon

- Static function

clion icons CodeAssistantType

- Typedef

Last modified: 14 February 2019