CLion 2018.3 Help

Debugger. Data Views

File | Settings | Build, Execution, Deployment | Debugger | Data Views for Windows and Linux
CLion | Preferences | Build, Execution, Deployment | Debugger | Data Views for macOS
Ctrl+Alt+S icons general settings svg

Use this page to manage the way data is displayed in the debugger.

Common debugger settings



Sort values alphabetically

Select this option to sort the values in the Variables pane of the Debug Tool Window.

Enable auto expressions in Variables view

Select this option if you want the CLion debugger to automatically evaluate expressions and show the corresponding values in the Variables pane of the Debug Tool Window.

The debugger analyzes the context near the breakpoint (the current statement, one statement before, and one after). It does so to find various expressions in the source code (if available) such as, for example, myvar.myfield.

If such expressions don't contain explicit method invocations, the debugger evaluates them and shows the corresponding values in the Variables view.




Show values inline

Select this option to enable the Inline Values View feature that allows viewing the values of variables right next to their usage in the editor.

Value tooltips delay (ms)

Specify the delay (in milliseconds) between the moment when the mouse pointer hovers over an object in the Variables pane of the Debug Tool Window, and the moment when a tooltip with the object's value is displayed.

Show value tooltip on code selection

Select this option to enable tooltips that show the expression value when you select a code fragment in the editor.

Last modified: 14 February 2019

See Also