CLion 2019.1 Help

Temporary Configurations

In CLion, a temporary configuration is created every time you run/debug a test, test suite, fixture, or a main() entry using the left gutter icons (artwork studio icons avd run / icons runConfigurations testState run run svg) or context menus. You can see them greyed out in the list of the available configurations.

Save a temporary run/debug configuration

  • In the Run/Debug Configuration selector, choose Save <configuration name>.

  • In the Edit Configurations dialog, select the temporary configuration in the list, and click Save button.

    saving a temporary configuration

  • From the context menu of the editor or Project view, choose Save <configuration name>.

By default, there can be created only 5 temporary configurations per project, so when you create the sixth configuration the one created first gets removed, and so on. You can change this limit in the Temporary configurations limit field in Edit Configurations | Templates.

Last modified: 24 July 2019

See Also