CLion 2019.1 Help


Settings / Preferences | Build, Execution, Deployment | Gradle



Linked Gradle projects

This area contains the list of registered Gradle projects that are linked to your CLion project.

Global Gradle settings

This area contains options for Gradle global settings. You can select from the following options:

  • Offline work - use this checkbox to work with Gradle in the offline mode. In this case Gradle will use dependencies from the cache. Gradle will not attempt to access the network to perform dependency resolution. If required dependencies are not present in the dependencies' cache, a build execution will fail.

  • Service directory path - use this field to override the default Gradle home location directory.

  • Gradle VM options - use this field to specify VM options for your Gradle project.

    When specifying JVM options, follow these rules:

    • Use spaces to separate individual options, for example, -client -ea -Xmx1024m.

    • If an option includes spaces, enclose the spaces or the argument that contains spaces in double quotes, for example, some" "arg or "some arg".

    • If an option includes double quotes (as part of the argument), escape the double quotes using backslashes, for example, -Dmy.prop=\"quoted_value\".

    • You can pass environment variable values to custom Java properties. For example, if you define a variable MY_ENV_VAR, you can pass it to the foo property as follows:


Last modified: 24 July 2019