CLion 2020.1 Help

Color Scheme

File | Settings | Editor | Color Scheme for Windows and Linux

CLion | Preferences | Editor | Color Scheme for macOS Ctrl+Alt+S the Settings/Preferences icon

Use this section to select the color scheme for the CLion editor.



SchemeSelect the color scheme to be used in your workspace.
the Settings button

Click this button to invoke the following commands (depending on the selected scheme):

  • Duplicate: click to save the currently selected Color settings as a new scheme. Press Enter to save the new scheme, or Escape to cancel operation.

  • Restore Defaults: click to reset the selected color scheme to the initial defaults shipped with CLion. Available if a predefined color scheme has been selected and changed.

  • Export: click to export the current scheme to a file.

  • Rename: click to rename the current scheme. This command is only available for copies or imported schemes, since the predefined schemes cannot be renamed.

  • Delete: click to delete the current scheme. This command is only available for copies or imported schemes, since the predefined schemes cannot be deleted.

  • Import Scheme: click to import a CLion color scheme (you can either import a file in an internal .icls format, or a jar created through the File | Manage IDE Settings | Export Settings menu), or an Eclipse color scheme in the XML format.

Last modified: 29 June 2020