CLion 2020.1 Help

Using Hexadecimal View

For numerical variables of integer types, you can examine hexadecimal representation instead or alongside the original formatting. Hex view for integer types is available for both GDB and LLDB debuggers on all platforms, including the remote debug case and WSL.

Enable hexadecimal view

  1. Invoke the Maintenance popup: press Ctrl+Alt+Shift+/, or call Help | Find Action and search for Maintenance. Choose Experimental features.

  2. Select the cidr.debugger.value.numberFormatting.hex checkbox:

    enable hex view in Experimental features

  3. Go to Settings / Preferences | Build, Execution, Deployment | Debugger | Data Views | C/C++ and set the checkbox Show hex values for numbers. Choose to have hexadecimal values displayed instead or alongside the original values:

    enabling hex view in debugger settings

Now the hexadecimal formatting is shown both in the Variables pane of the Debug tool window and in the editor's inline variables view:

Debugger hex view

Last modified: 08 May 2020