CLion 2024.2 Help


Refactoring is a process of improving your source code without creating a new functionality. Refactoring helps you keep your code solid , dry, and easy to maintain.

Invoke refactoring

  1. Select an item to refactor. You can select a file/folder in the Project tool window or expression/symbol in the editor.

  2. Press Ctrl+Alt+Shift+T to open the list of refactorings:

    Refactor This popup

Undo refactoring

  • Press Ctrl+Z.

Preview changes

For some refactorings, you can preview changes before applying them.

  1. Click Preview in the Refactoring Preview dialog:

    Refactoring dialog
  2. Check the changes that are going to be made in the Find tool window. You can exclude Delete or remove Ctrl+X changes that you consider unnecessary.

    Refactoring Preview window
  3. Click Do Refactor to proceed with the changes.

Resolve conflicts

When CLion encounters problems with your refactoring, it opens a dialog with the list of conflicts and their brief descriptions.

  • Click Refactor Anyway to ignore the problem and proceed.

  • Click Open in Find Window to open the conflict entries in the Find tool window and deal with them further.

  • In the Find tool window, you can apply the refactor by selecting Do Refactor or click Cancel and return to the editor.


    Configure refactoring settings

    1. In the Settings dialog (Ctrl+Alt+S) , select Editor | Code Editing.

    2. On the Code Editing page, in the Refactorings section, adjust the refactoring options and click OK.

    Safe Delete


    Makes sure that you do not delete files that are referenced in your source code.

    Safe delete



    Copies/Moves an element.

    Move and Copy

    Extract Method


    These refactoring actions help you reduce the code duplication.

    Extract function

    Extract Constant


    Declares a new constant and initializes it with the selected expression.

    Extract constant

    Extract Parameter


    Adds a new parameter to a method declaration and updates the Function calls accordingly.

    Extract parameter

    Introduce Variable


    Declares a new variable and initializes it with the selected expression.

    Extract/Introduce variable



    Renames an element.




    Inlines an element. Acts as the opposite of extracting.


    Change signature


    Changes the call signature of a method or class.

    Change signature

    Last modified: 29 August 2024