CodeWithMe Help

Kubernetes setup

For convenient Kubernetes deployment we provide organized Helm charts for Lobby and Relay respectively.

Before you start you must have the following:

  1. Kubernetes cluster and use CertManager along with ACME issuer type for managing the HTTPS certificates.

  2. kubectl

  3. helm at least of version 3.x.x

General information

There are two helm charts repos:

  • Lobby:

  • Relay:

Before the first setup execute the following steps

  1. Run the following commands to configure helm repos:

    helm repo add code-with-me-lobby helm repo add code-with-me-relay
  2. Generate certificates for Lobby and Relay for authentication of users on relays:

    openssl ecparam -name secp384r1 -genkey -noout -out relay_auth_private.pem openssl ec -in relay_auth_private.pem -pubout -out relay_auth_public.pem

Relay setup

First, pull relay helm chart:

helm pull code-with-me-relay/code-with-me-relay tar -xvf code-with-me-relay-0.0.1103.tgz cp code-with-me-relay/values.yaml my_relay_values.yaml

Now you have an unpacked relay helm chart with my_relay_values.yaml in your working directory.


Main entries that you should configure in your my_relay_values.yaml are:

  • clusterGlobalMainDomain: your cluster main domain

  • services_per_region: the number of relays on cluster

  • jwtPublicKey: insert your relay_auth_public.pem

For example:

clusterGlobalMainDomain: services_per_region: 2 jwtPublicKey: |- -----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY----- MHYwEAYHKoZIzj0CAQYFK4EEACIDYgAEfB9kX03d22JjL0Az0y1g008PYhadEAW6 mu+eLqYNCmn7HNtgM0MLtsjTsk82NsceORKBkRqHodO3y+76Cq9nJw0Q9rVpCNvE fwIkHbxOg2jsua2XdwNXaxjsTK+txM6J -----END PUBLIC KEY-----

Now, after you are finished with tuning, install the chart on your cluster.

helm install -f my_relay_values.yaml code-with-me-relay ./code-with-me-relay

The relays should be working fine.

Lobby setup

First, pull lobby helm chart

helm pull code-with-me-lobby/code-with-me-lobby tar -xvf code-with-me-lobby-0.0.1550.tgz cp code-with-me-lobby/values.yaml my_lobby_values.yaml

Now you have an unpacked relay helm chart with my_lobby_values.yaml in your working directory.

Configure lobby server

You should configure the following main entries in your my_lobby_values.yaml:

  1. usePersistentRedisVolume - true, if you want to preserve your sessions between lobby maintenance periods, requires Kubernetes PersistentVolumeClaim.

  2. Obtain you license file licenseFiles. To obtain it visit the Code With Me website.

    Check the following example:

    licenseFiles: licenze1: |- CONTENT_OF LICENSE_FILE_1 licenze2: |- CONTENT_OF ANOTHER_LICENSE-FILE_2
  3. relaysConfigJson is a json with configuration of your relays, which was completed in Relay setup section.

    { "stunTurnServers": [ { "uri": "" }, { "uri": "" } ], "relays": [ { "regionName": "my_region", "latitude": 0, "longitude": 0, "servers": [ "wss://<YOUR-RELAY-DOMAIN-1.CLUSTER_DOMAIN>", "wss://<YOUR-RELAY-DOMAIN-2.CLUSTER_DOMAIN>" ] } ] }

    Check the following example:

    relaysConfigJson: |- { "stunTurnServers": [ { "uri": "" }, { "uri": "" } ], "relays": [ { "regionName": "my_region", "latitude": 0, "longitude": 0, "servers": [ "wss://" ] } ] }

    If you don't know what to put in YOUR_RELAY_DOMAIN and CLUSTER_DOMAIN, look for ingressHostPattern in my_relay_values.yaml.

  4. Configure lobby settings:

    • lobby: main lobby settings.

    • lobby.config.relayPrivateKey: use this option to add the content of your relay_auth_private.pem.

    • lobby.ingresses: is an array of parameters for Kubernetes Ingress. Main entry here is host (for example, ""), others are optional. Most likely host it will contain only one ingress with content will contain your main cluster domain and array.

  5. base_url - is the domain which will be used in links generation, most of the time is the same as lobby.ingresses[0].host

Install the chart

  • After you are finished with tuning, install the chart on your cluster.

    helm install -f my_lobby_values.yaml code-with-me-lobby ./codewithme-lobby

    The lobby server is set and should work successfully.

Last modified: 19 March 2024