DataGrip 2018.1 Help

Differences Viewer for Files

Adjust the view by selecting the necessary comparison and highlighting options in the upper part.

dbe compareFiles

You can make changes to file contents by typing, and also by using the following buttons and context menu commands:

icon InsertReplaceReplaceReplace the fragment in the right-hand pane with the one in the left-hand pane.
icon InsertReplace2ReplaceThe same as the previous command but in the other direction.
arrowRightDownInsert Insert the fragment in the left-hand pane after the corresponding fragment in the right-hand pane.

(Where appropriate, icon InsertReplace turns into arrowRightDown when you press Ctrl.)

arrowLeftDownInsertThe same as the previous command but in the other direction.

(Where appropriate, icon InsertReplace2 turns into arrowLeftDown when you press Ctrl.)

To undo the changes, use Ctrl+Z.

Last modified: 25 July 2018