DataGrip 2019.1 Help

Version Control

File | Settings | Version Control for Windows and Linux
DataGrip | Preferences | Version Control for macOS

Specify which version control systems will be used for specific directories, or the entire project.




This field shows the path to project directories or the project root(s).

For projects with Git or Mercurial integration enabled, DataGrip scans project directories to check if there are Git/Mercurial repositories that are not controlled by the IDE. If such repositories are found, they are listed here under Unregistered roots and are marked grey. To add an unregistered root, select it in the list and click the Add button the Add button.

DataGrip also checks if registered roots are valid, in other words, that a Git/Mercurial repository exists at the specified path. If invalid repositories are detected, they are marked with red.


Select a version control system for the specified directory.

The list only displays the version control systems for which the corresponding plugins are enabled.

This list only displays the version control systems for which you have the corresponding plugins installed. plugins are installed and enabled.

icons general ellipsis

Click this button to update the configuration settings for the selected VCS.

icons general add svg

Click this button to add a directory mapping to the list.

icons actions edit svg

Click this button to edit the selected directory mapping.

icons general remove svg

Click this button to remove the selected directory mapping from the list.

Limit history to

Select this checkbox to specify the number of lines displayed for a file's history. If this checkbox is selected, the text box of history depth, and the spin box become enabled.

Show directories with changed descendants

If this checkbox is selected, the directories that contain changes, are color-marked.

Shelve base revisions of files under distributed version control systems.

This option is relevant only for Git and Mercurial. Select this check box to automatically shelve base revisions of files that are under Git or Mercurial version control.

By default, DataGrip always "remembers" the last commit hash. However, this information is not sufficient if the history has been changed since the last commit as a result of running the rebase operation. In this case, having a copy of the base revision may help.

Show changed in last <number> days

Select this checkbox to have color indication of file status applied during stacktrace analysis and debugging. The names of the files that have been changed within a certain period will be highlighted accordingly.

Specify the number of days.

Filter Update Project information by scope

If this option is enabled and a scope is selected, the files that belong to this scope will be marked in bold in the Update Project Info tab of the Version Control Tool Window. If you click the Filter button Filter in the toolbar in the Update Project Info tab, the files will be filtered by scope, i.e. only the files that belong to the selected scope will be displayed.

Click the Manage Scopes link to open the Scopes settings dialog and configure a scope.

Commit message right margin (columns)

In this field, specify the number of symbols that can fit into the right margin of the Commit Changes dialog.

Select the Wrap when typing reaches right margin option if you want the text to be transferred to the next line when the maximum number of characters has been reached.

Show unversioned files in Commit dialog

Select this option to see newly added files that have not been added to version control yet under the Unversioned Files node in the Commit Changes dialog.

Check commit message spelling

Select this checkbox if you want to automatically check spelling of your commit messages.

Last modified: 25 July 2019