DataGrip 2019.2 Help

How to connect to Cassandra with SSL

Step 1. Create a Apache Cassandra connection

  1. Navigate to File | Data Sources Ctrl+Alt+S.

  2. In the Data Sources and Drivers dialog, click the Add icon (The Add icon) and select Apache Cassandra.

  3. At the bottom of the data source settings area, click the Download missing driver files link. Alternatively, you can specify user drivers for the data source. For more information about user drivers, see Add a user driver to an existing connection.

  4. In Host, Keyspace, User, Password, and Port fields, specify connection details.

Step 2. Verify the version of the JDBC driver

Verify that you use the JDBC driver of version 1.3, or later.

  1. Navigate to File | Data Sources Ctrl+Alt+S.

  2. In the Drivers list, select Apache Cassandra.

  3. In the Driver files pane, click ver. <version_number> and select Latest or 1.3.

Verify the version of the JDBC driver

Step 3. Set VM options

  1. Navigate to File | Data Sources Ctrl+Alt+S.

  2. In the Drivers list, select Apache Cassandra.

  3. In the driver settings, click the Advanced tab.

  4. In the VM options field, specify options for authentication.

    • Server authentication: your client verifies that the server is correct and trusted. The truststore must contain a public key of the server or the CA certificate that was used to sign the server key.<path_to_client_truststore><truststore_password>
    • Client authentication: the server verifies the client that tries to connect to the server.<path_to_client_keystore><keystore_password>
Set VM options

Step 4. Add the sslenabled option to the JDBC URL

  1. Add the sslenabled=true option to the JDBC URL. For example, jdbc:cassandra://localhost:9042/?sslenabled=true.

  2. To ensure that the connection to the data source is successful, click Test Connection.

Add the sslenabled option to the JDBC URL
Last modified: 11 November 2019