DataGrip 2020.1 Help

Code Inspections in General

This topic lists all DataGrip code inspections available in General.

You can toggle specific inspections or change their severity level on the Editor | Inspections page of the Settings/Preferences Ctrl+Alt+S.

InspectionDescriptionDefault Severity

Allows you to see problems reported by language annotators in the results of batch code inspection.

Error Error
Inconsistent line separators

This inspection detects files with line separators different from the project default. E.g. you set the line separator to "\n" in the Settings|Editor|Code Style|Line separator, and the file you are editing uses "\r\n" as a line separator. Also warns about mixed line separators in the file.

Injected references

Checks references injected by IntelliLang plugin.

Error Error
Line is longer than allowed by code style

Inspection warns you of lines which are longer than right margin parameter in Code Style settings.

Problematic whitespace

Reports tabs used for indentation when the code style is configured to use only spaces. Reports spaces used for indentation when the code style is configured to use only tabs. Reports spaces used for indentation and tabs used for alignment when the code style is configured to use smart tabs.

Redundant suppression

Reports usages of

  • @SuppressWarning annotation, or

  • // noinspection line comment, or

  • /** noinspection */ JavaDoc comment

which can be safely removed because inspection they affect is no longer applicable in this context.

For example:

Warning Warning
Syntax error

Allows you to see syntax errors in the results of batch code inspection.

Error Error
TODO comment

Reports TODO comments in your code. The Format of TODO comments is configurable via the Settings | Editor | TODO panel. Since syntax highlighting for TODO comments is already provided, it is expected that this will largely be used in batch mode.

Last modified: 14 July 2020