DataGrip 2020.1 Help

Search in DataGrip

Search and navigation tips

When working with a software tool, searching tends to be a very popular and frequently-used feature that is crucial to a good user experience. In DataGrip, you can look for things like:

  • Database objects: tables, views, procedures, columns and other objects.

  • Data: all data inside a table.

  • Code: code in consoles, attached files and even in the source code of views and routines.

  • Other things: files, settings, IDE actions, and other things.

Database objects

First, any tree (list, popup, list) in DataGrip supports a speed search. To activate the speed search, start typing.

Speed search supports abbreviations. For instance, fa is enough to find film_actor.

Start typing to enable speed search

To navigate to a database object (like a table, view, procedure), press Ctrl+N and type a name or an abbreviation of the object that you need. If you want to broaden your search scope, press Ctrl+Alt+Shift+N. In this case, the search scope will include columns, indexes, and other objects.

After the search, if you select a table or a view and press Enter, you will see the data editor (with a DDL tab in case you need the code). If you select functions or procedures, you will see their source code.

Navigate to any database object

If you want DataGrip to open the DDL view for tables and views, turn off the Prefer data editor over DDL editor option in Preferences | General.

Open DDL for tables and views

If you want to see the object in the database tree, select the Auto-Scroll from editor option. This option takes priority over the settings that you have chosen previously.

Enable autoscrol from editor

In case you want to search for columns in a result set or table, invoke the Columns list action Ctrl+F12 and start typing. Speed search filters columns automatically. Press Enter to navigate to the column that you need.

Search for columns in any result-set or table

Productivity tips

If you search for a table, you can also use the following actions:

Open the table DDL


Open the table data


Open the Modify Table dialog


Open the Select in popup


Open the Quick documentation popup


Open the SQL generator



To quickly find data inside a table without writing a statement, call up a text search with the Find action Ctrl+F. It is especially helpful if you do not know what column contains the data that you are looking for. Select the Filter rows checkbox to see only rows with found matches.

Quickly find data inside a table without writing a statement
Configure the result page size

You can enter a filtering SQL condition (like in the WHERE clause) in the <Filter criteria> field.

Using filters

To filter a table according to a cell value, click this cell and select Filter by from the context menu.

Automatically populate a field from the context menu


To search through the code, use the Find action Ctrl+F.

Code completion Ctrl+Space can help you to find a value that is appropriate in the current context. To edit a group of search results, set multi-cursors (Ctrl+Alt+Shift+J) and start typing.

You can tune a search scope to exclude comments and literals, or, otherwise, search only within comments and literals.

Exclude comments and literals

Find in path Ctrl+Shift+F looks for code in other consoles, attached files and even in the source code of views and routines.

In our example, if you select In Project, DataGrip only looks for your code in dump files attached to the project. But if you select All scopes, DataGrip will also look inside the source code and locate the procedure in our database.

Managing scopes

Find usages Alt+F7 will show you where an object is used. It can be scripts or source codes of other projects. In our example, the actor table is found in dump files, database consoles with different queries and several objects: one rule and three views.

The Find Usages action

Other stuff

To navigate to a file with the specified name, press Ctrl+Shift+N.

The find file dialog

Speed search works in Settings as well. Earlier in this tutorial, we described the way to set the page size, follow the same steps to locate this setting (see the beginning of the Data section).

Activate a speed search in settings

Find action Ctrl+Shift+A will lend you a helping hand when you forget how to call this or that action. By the way, it also searches in settings, so Limit page size to setting can be found here as well.

For instance, if you forget how to open a new query console, press Ctrl+Shift+A, type open new query console and press Enter.

Find a shortcut for an action

Search everywhere is another useful feature that makes it possible to look for any item in databases, files, actions, elements of the user interface, settings, and so on. In the following animation, when you type actor, you see not only database objects, but also available actions (for example, Refactor This). The refactoring can be performed from the list with your search results.

Using the Search everywhere action

Define the scope of Everywhere with the gear icon.

Defining the scope of Everywhere
Last modified: 26 May 2020