dotPeek 2016.2 Help

Stack Trace Explorer window

Tools | Browse Stack Trace

Stack Trace Explorer displays stack traces from the clipboard and transforms lines within them into clickable links that help you navigate directly to the related code. See Navigating from Stack Trace to Exception for details.


Toolbar Controls

ThemedIcon.Up.Screen.[Gray] ThemedIcon.Down.Screen.[Gray] Previous/ Next Shift+F8/F8 Navigate to the previous/next item and scrolls through the source code accordingly.
ThemedIcon.LineBreaks.Screen.[Gray] Toggle wrapping of words Allows you to enable or disable wrapping of long lines in the sack trace.

Window tabs

When you open new stack traces in the window, they are displayed in new tabs, which show up on the left. The previously open tabs move to the right if the with of the window allows, otherwise they unload themselves saving memory - but you can always restore them by clicking the arrow that appears to the right of the tabs and choosing the desired tab:

Tool window tabs

To prevent a tab from unloading, click the pin icon ThemedIcon.Pin.Screen.[Gray] next to the tab title.

See Also

Last modified: 15 December 2016