dotPeek 2018.1 Help


Tools | Options | Environment | Viewer

This page of dotPeek options allows you to adjust dotPeek's features in the code viewer.

Text Control
Highlight current line

Select this check box to allow the current line to be highlighted as you work with the code.

Word wrap If this check box is selected, code viewer wraps code lines to fit window width.
Visible white spaces Toggles white space highlighting in the code viewer.
Line numbers If this check box is selected, code viewer shows numbers for each line.
Vertical scrollbar If this check box is selected, vertical scrollbar is shown in the code viewer.
Horizontal scrollbar If this check box is selected, horizontal scrollbar is shown in the code viewer.
Font Allows choosing font family and size for code shown in the code viewer.
Code Highlight
Color identifiers Toggles ReSharper-style language syntax highlighting. For more information, see Syntax Highlighting.
Highlight matching delimiters When this check box is selected, any closing delimiter (bracket, brace, parenthesis or quote) is highlighted when the caret is:
  • Immediately to the left of the corresponding opening delimiter if you selected at outer side.
  • At any side of the opening delimiter if you selected at both sides.

For more information, see Highlighting Matching Delimiters.

Last modified: 20 August 2018

See Also