dotPeek 2018.3 Help

File Structure window

Windows | File Structure

This window displays the structure of the document in the active code viewer tab. The window is synchronized with the code viewer. As you switch to another code viewer tab, the window displays the structure of the corresponding file.

dotPeek File Structure

From the File Structure window, you can:

Toolbar Controls




ThemedIcon ExpandAll Screen Gray ThemedIcon CollapseAll Screen Gray

Expand All/ Collapse All

Expands/collapses all nodes in the current tab.

ThemedIcon Up Screen Gray ThemedIcon Down Screen Gray

Previous/ Next
Shift+F8 / F8

Navigate to the previous/next item and scrolls through the source code accordingly.

ThemedIcon Export Screen Gray


Click this button to export the data currently displayed in the window in text format, or use the drop-down selector to export the data in XML or HTML format. The Export Data dialog that appears, will help you to save the data to a file or copy it to the clipboard.

ThemedIcon SyncCaretToView Screen Gray

Track Caret in Editor

When this button is pressed, items in the window are highlighted according to the position of the caret in the code viewer.

ThemedIcon SyncViewToCaret Screen Gray

Automatically Scroll to Source

When this button is pressed, source code in the code viewer is scrolled according to the items selected in the window.

Context Menu Commands




Navigates to the declaration of a selected symbol in the source code. Equivalent to double-clicking a node in the File Structure window.

Base Symbols

Navigates to the base type or method of a selected symbol.

Derived Symbols

Navigates to a derived class or overriding method of a selected symbol.

Find Usages

Performs the Find Usages command for the item.

Find Usages Advanced

Performs the Find Usages Advanced

Last modified: 18 December 2018

See Also