dotCover 2018.2 Help

Continuous Testing

ReSharper | Options | Cover | Continuous Testing

This page summarizes preferences of continuous testing.



Show continuous testing indicator on the status bar

If selected, the indicator icon will be shown on the Visual Studio status bar. The icon is used to notify you about unit test results and outdated tests. Learn more

Automatically start tests in continuous testing sessions on

This preference specifies a trigger for autostarting tests in the continuous testing mode.

  • Build: tests will be automatically started after you explicitly build your solution.

  • Save: tests will be automatically started after you explicitly save your solution.


This preference allows you to configure shadow-copying for NUnit tests when you use continuous testing. You may need to change this preference if you reference files from your tests with a relative path. You can choose one of the following options:

  • Assemblies and symbol files - dotCover will explicitly copy symbol files to a temporary folder before running tests and will use standard .NET shadow-copying mechanism in order to shadow-copy assemblies being tested.

  • All files from test start folder - dotCover will explicitly copy all files from the tests start folder to a temporary folder before running tests.

Tests start folder is a folder from which an assembly with tests is loaded. It can be either the assembly's build output folder or a custom folder if it is specified in the Run tests from preference on the ReSharper | Options | Tools | Unit Testing page of dotCover options.

Note that this preference only works for NUnit tests. For other unit testing frameworks, dotCover does not change their original shadow-copying behavior.

If necessary, you can use a number of properties to get the base path and build relative paths from the code of your tests:

Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location - will always lead to the temporary folder where the files are shadow-copied.

The following properties will lead to the original test start folder if Shadow-copy assemblies and symbol files option is selected, and to the temporary folder otherwise:

  • Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().CodeBase

  • Environment.CurrentDirectory

  • TestContext.CurrentContext.TestDirectory (for NUnit 2.6)

  • TestContext.CurrentContext.WorkDirectory (for NUnit 2.6)

Last modified: 21 December 2018