dotCover 2018.3 Help

Saving and Opening Coverage Snapshot

Ctrl+Alt+K O

In Visual Studio:
ReSharper | Cover | Open Coverage Snapshot...

In dotCover standalone application:
File | Open Coverage Snapshot...

dotCover stores coverage snapshots in .dcvr files.

As soon as you obtain a coverage snapshot after a unit test run or after an application coverage run, it opens in a new tab of the Coverage Results Browser window nor in the Unit Test Coverage window and stored temporarily until you close the solution.

In Visual Studio, dotCover suggests to save unsaved snapshots when you close the snapshot tab or solution. However, you can disable it by clicking Do not ask anymore in the corresponding dialog. If necessary, you can re-enable it by selecting the Confirm closing unsaved snapshots check box on the Environment | General page of dotCover options.

If you are using dotCover standalone application, all snapshots recorded there are available on the Welcome page even after restarting the application.

To save coverage snapshot

  1. Click Save coverage snapshot as ThemedIcon Save Screen Gray on the toolbar of the tab where the snapshot is opened.

  2. In the dialog that appears, indicate a folder where the snapshot should be saved and specify a file name.

  3. Click Save.

To open coverage snapshot

  1. Do one of the following:
    • In Visual Studio, press Ctrl+Alt+K O or choose ReSharper | Cover | Open Coverage Snapshot... from the main menu

    • In dotCover standalone application, press Ctrl+Alt+K O or choose File | Open Coverage Snapshot... in the menu.

  2. In the dialog that appears, specify a snapshot file (.dcvr) and click Open.

  3. The snapshot is opened in the Coverage Results Browser window.

Last modified: 14 February 2019

See Also