dotCover 2018.3 Help

Starting Coverage Analysis for External Applications

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In Visual Studio:
ReSharper | Cover | Cover Application...

In dotCover standalone application:
File | Cover Application...

dotCover allows you to run coverage analysis for .NET applications and processes that have PDB information. You can analyze coverage for the following types of applications and processes:

Locating symbol files (PDB) for the target binaries is vital for calculating coverage. If you cover unit tests or cover the startup project, dotCover easily locates symbol files using the structure of the current solution.

By default, dotCover search symbol files in the following places:

  • in the same directory where the binary file resides;

  • in the debug directory that is specified inside the binary file;

  • in all directories specified in the _NT_SYMBOL_PATH environment variable and in the registry;

If necessary, you can specify other places to look for symbol files. To do so, select Advanced in the Coverage Configuration dialog, and then click Edit Symbol Search Policy.

In the Symbol Search Policy dialog that opens, you can add the following ways to search for symbol files:

  • In the Search path field, provide a semicolon separated list of paths to search for symbol files. Each path can be either a directory path or a symbol server path (e.g. srv*C:\LocalSymbols*http://symbolserver:33417/).

  • Select the Access symbol server to allow dotCover access symbol servers specified either in the Search path field, or in _NT_SYMBOL_PATH environment variable.

You can also disable some of the default ways to search for symbol files.

Last modified: 14 February 2019

See Also