dotCover 2019.1 Help

Visualizing Code Coverage

ReSharper | Cover | Toggle Code Highlighting
Ctrl+Alt+K H

To visualize coverage and test results data, dotCover can highlight statements in the current snapshot right in Visual Studio editor.

To visualize code coverage in the editor

  1. Open the snapshot that you want to analyze in the Coverage Results Browser window nor in the Unit Test Coverage window.

  2. Click Highlight code ThemedIcon Highlighting Screen Gray on the toolbar of the window where the current snapshot is open.

  3. dotCover will highlight code in all assemblies that are included into the current coverage snapshot (see the left gutter):

    dotCover highlighting

  4. To disable highlighting of the current snapshot, press Ctrl+Alt+K H or choose ReSharper | Cover | Toggle Code Highlighting from the main menu

If you switch between several snapshots in the Coverage Results Browser window nor in the Unit Test Coverage window, the highlighting does not switch automatically. To switch the highlighting for a particular snapshot, click Highlight code ThemedIcon Highlighting Screen Gray on the toolbar of the window where the current snapshot is open.

How the highlighting works

To indicate the state of the code statement, dotCover uses colored markers in the left gutter of Visual Studio:



dc highlighting no tests | dc highlighting no tests shaped

At least one statement in a line is not covered by unit tests.

dc highlighting tests pass

All statements in a line are covered by unit tests. All tests pass.

dc highlighting tests fail | dc highlighting tests fail shaped

All statements in a line are covered by unit tests. At least one test fails.

Note that if you enable the Use shaped markers (colorblind mode) setting in dotCover's highlighting options, markers will indicate coverage and test results not only with color but also with their shape.

Right after you change the code, test results become outdated. In this case, a marker keeps its color but it becomes paler. The marker's tooltip shows the info about previous state as well:

dc highlighting previous state

If a line of code consists of a number of statements with different coverage results, dotCover will highlight the line taking into account only the "worst" result. For example, if tests for the first statement pass, but fail for the second, dotCover will highlight the line with the red color. Or, if one statement is covered by some failing tests and another statement is not covered at all, the marker will be grey:

dc highlighting multiple

If you prefer the "old-style" highlighting (as in dotCover 2016.2 and earlier) when a whole line of code was highlighted, you can toggle it via ReSharper | Options | dotCover | Editor | Highlighting code coverage using | Line background.

dc old highlighting

Navigating to covering tests

To continue exploring code coverage, you can navigate to covering tests and/or locate code items in the coverage tree.

Visualizing code coverage in projects targeting multiple frameworks

If a project targets multiple frameworks, dotCover shows coverage results independently for each framework. Thus, the Coverage Tree shows each framework as a separate node. Code highlighting also depends on the context you select in the editor.

Last modified: 1 August 2019

See Also