dotCover 2024.1 Help

Test Runner

dotCover options: Tools | Unit Testing | Test Runner

Shadow-copy assemblies being tested

When this option is enabled, assemblies that participate in tests are copied to a temporary directory. This allows you to edit and rebuild test assemblies even while the related tests are running. You can choose between two options of shadow-copying:

  • Native — enables the shadow-copying mechanism of the test framework, which normally only copies assemblies.

  • Advanced — by default, this mechanism copies all relevant files and subdirectories from the directories where the assemblies are compiled. When you select this option, the masks of the copied files appear in the File mask field, where you can further customize what should be shadow-copied.

If the test runner process does not exit after [x] seconds

These options let you configure the way dotCover decides when the test runner process is hung and what to do in that case.

If the spawned processes do not exit after [x] seconds

By default, dotCover maintains a list of all processes that are launched by the executed tests. If some of these processes do not exit after the test execution is over, dotCover will suggest you to terminate the process.

These options let you configure the way dotCover decides when a spawned process is hung and what to do in that case.

If you choose Ask what to do, you will be able to decide whether to terminate each spawned process that hung. dotCover will remember your choice and add processes to the list on this options page, so that you can later modify actions for each process.

Environment variables

In this area, you can configure a list of Name-Value pairs of environment variables that would be passed to the process started by the unit test runner and to all its child processes.

These environment variables will override variables with the same names defined in your system, if any.

Depending on whether these environment variables contain sensitive information or not, you can save them either in the 'Solution personal' or in the 'Solution team-shared' settings layer.

Test Settings

Choose where dotCover should look for test settings:

Use .runsettings/.testsettings specified in Visual Studio. If this option is enabled, dotCover will reuse test settings from Visual Studio when possible.

Specify a custom test settings configuration (.runsettings/.testsettings file within your solution).

The Edit... button, which is active when a non-default settings configuration is selected, opens the Visual Studio's Test Settings dialog where you can adjust the selected configuration.

Last modified: 11 February 2024