dotMemory Unit 3.0 Help

Supported Frameworks

Supported .NET Framework versions

Currently, dotMemory Unit supports the following .NET Framework versions (Windows only!):

  • .NET Framework 3.5, 4.0, 4.5, 4.6 or 4.7
  • .NET Core 2.0

Supported unit testing frameworks

dotMemory Unit is able to work with almost any .NET unit testing framework available on the market.

Support for the following frameworks is provided out of the box:

  • MSTest*
  • NUnit*
  • MBUnit**
  • csUnit**

* Tests can be run in Visual Studio using ReSharper unit test runner (requires ReSharper 9.1 (or later) or dotCover 3.1 (or later)). Another option is to run tests using the standalone dotMemory Unit launcher.

** Tests can be run only using the standalone dotMemory Unit launcher. Running via Visual Studio is possible but only in case you have the ReSharper's extension for the particular unit testing framework.

If the framework you use is not in this list, you still can use dotMemory Unit. All you need is to show dotMemory Unit where your test method starts and ends. This is done by a special DotMemoryUnitController class. Learn more in Working with Unsupported Unit Testing Frameworks.

Last modified: 3 August 2018