dotMemory 2017.1 Help

Memory Traffic View

The view allows you to group traffic data in two ways:

  • Type List
    Use this grouping to get info about what objects were created/collected most intensively during the timeframe. The view consists of two lists: the Objects list and Functions list. The Objects list shows all created objects grouped by types. If you click on a certain type, the Functions list will show you the sequences of functions (back traces) that have created corresponding objects.
  • Back Traces
    Use this grouping to understand what functions generate main memory traffic. As well as the Type List, Back Traces consists of the Functions list and Objects list. Clicking a certain function in the Functions list will show you all objects created by this function.

The Objects list has the following columns:

Type Type name.
Allocated bytes The size of all objects of a particular type created during the analysis timeframe.
Allocated objects The number of all objects of a particular type created during the analysis timeframe.
Collected bytes The size of all objects of a particular type collected during the analysis timeframe.
Collected objects The number of all objects of a particular type collected during the analysis timeframe.

The Functions list has the following columns:

Function Function name.
Allocated bytes The size of all objects created by a particular function during the analysis timeframe.
Allocated objects The number of all objects created by a particular function during the analysis timeframe.
Collected bytes The size of all objects that were created by a particular function and then collected during the analysis timeframe.
Collected objects The number of all objects that were created by a particular function and then collected during the analysis timeframe.
Last modified: 24 August 2017