dotMemory 2017.3 Help

Memory Traffic View

The view allows you to group traffic data in two ways:

  • Group by Types
    Use this grouping to get info about what objects were created/collected most intensively during the timeframe. The view consists of two lists: the Objects list and Functions list. The Objects list shows all created objects grouped by types. If you click a certain type, the Functions list will show you the sequences of functions (back traces) that have created corresponding objects.
  • Back Traces
    Use this grouping to understand what functions generate main memory traffic. As well as the Group by Types, Back Traces consists of the Functions list and Objects list. Clicking a certain function in the Functions list will show you all objects created by this function.

The Objects list has the following columns:

Type Type name.
Allocated bytes The size of all objects of a particular type created during the analysis timeframe.
Allocated objects The number of all objects of a particular type created during the analysis timeframe.
Collected bytes The size of all objects of a particular type collected during the analysis timeframe.
Collected objects The number of all objects of a particular type collected during the analysis timeframe.

The Functions list has the following columns:

Function Function name.
Allocated bytes The size of all objects created by a particular function during the analysis timeframe.
Allocated objects The number of all objects created by a particular function during the analysis timeframe.
Collected bytes The size of all objects that were created by a particular function and then collected during the analysis timeframe.
Collected objects The number of all objects that were created by a particular function and then collected during the analysis timeframe.
Last modified: 16 April 2018