dotMemory 2018.3 Help

What's New

dotMemory 2018.3

dotMemory 2018.2

  • Profiling of run configurations. dotMemory integrated in Visual Studio gets more profiling capabilities. Now, you can profile not only your startup project, but any 'run configuration' - a startup project, an arbitrary executable, or even any static method.

  • Improved timeline graph:

    • The timeline is now available for all types of applications including .NET Core, ASP.NET Core, IIS-hosted web apps, and others.

    • The timeline contains a new Allocated in LOH since GC chart. The chart shows instant memory allocation to the Large Object Heap and can be very helpful in detecting excessive allocations of large objects.

  • Now, the Finalizable objects inspection works not only with snapshots captured via dotMemory but with raw memory dumps as well. In addition, now, finalizable objects are treated as objects that exist in a snapshot/dump, so you can open them and inspect more thoroughly.

  • Two new root types: F-Reachable Queue / Finalization Queue.

  • dotMemory console runner allows you to set a name for a taken snapshot.

dotMemory 2018.1

  • Improved user interface. The 2018.1 release brings multiple minor user interface improvements. The most significant change is the reworked Analysis Subject panel. Now, it's much easier to navigate your analysis path.

dotMemory 2017.3

  • Improved search. Now, when searching for particular objects in object set views, you can make your search more efficient by using special symbols.

dotMemory 2017.2

  • Import memory dumps. Now, you can import Windows raw memory dumps (typically, you get them using the Task Manager or Process Explorer tools) and analyze them using all the power of dotMemory.

  • Improved 'Group by Dominators' view. The Group by Dominators view was reworked to make it easier to understand what are the key objects in your application. The tree of dominators is now combined with the dominators sunburst chart.

  • Improved user interface. The dotMemory user interface was slightly redesigned to make navigation through analysis subjects and views easier. The additional benefit of this work is the increased views area.

dotMemory 2017.1

dotMemory 2016.3

dotMemory 2016.2

dotMemory 10

Last modified: 15 March 2019