JetBrains Fleet 1.44 Help

Get AI assistance for VCS integration

Generate commit messages

AI Assistant can send your diffs to the LLM (Large Language Model), which will generate a commit message describing your changes.

  1. Click View | Git Commit.

  2. In the Commit message text field, click Suggest Commit Message.

  3. Edit the message if necessary.

Explain commits

AI Assistant can summarize the changes made in one or several commits.

  1. Click View | Git History.

  2. In the commits pane, select the commit or several commits you want to summarize, right-click them and select Explain Commit in the context menu.

    AI Assistant provides the summary of the selected commits.

    AI Assistant explains commit

Run Git commands from the AI Assistant chat

You can use natural language in the AI chat to run Git commands.

  1. Click View | AI Assistant to open AI Assistant.

  2. Enter your Git command in natural language. For example, you can type "create a git branch from main and checkout on it" to execute the corresponding Git operation.

    To disable natural language Git commands, add the following setting to your settings.json file:
    Run Git commands from the AI Assistant chat
Last modified: 20 December 2024